The minimum wage
There is much debate centered on raising the minimum wage. Some argue that this will hurt the economy, while others argue that it will help the working poor. What do you think? Should the minimum wage be raised? Why or why not?
Paper instructions:
* There is much debate centered on raising the minimum wage. Some argue that this will hurt the economy, while others argue that it will help the working poor. What do you think? Should the minimum wage be raised? Why or why not?
*Where to begin:
Do preliminary research. You can use the databases or the internet or personal interviews.
Make a preliminary claim (this is your position on the topic).
Come up with supporting reasons—you must have at least 3 supporting reasons. The reasons answer the question why. If you think the minimum wage should be raised, you need to answer the question, why should the minimum wage be raised? Each answer becomes a reason. You need 3 reasons, each one discussed in its own paragraph. The reason becomes the topic sentences.
Construct engaging introductory paragraph that grabs the reader’s attention, introduces the topic, and states your claim. This paragraph must be at least 6-7 sentences plus your argumentative claim (thesis). Review intro paragraphs on pgs. 420-424 in HTWA.
You must support your reasons with evidence and analysis. Evidence can be research, personal observation, personal experience, or the experience of others. Some of this will be researched. You can interview people as a way of primary research. Remember to end each body paragraph with some kind of conclusion sentence (s). You do not want to end on an example. All outside sources must be synthesized into your paper correctly and all outside sources must be cited using MLA parenthetical citations and the last page of the paper must be a Works Cited. You must use at least one outside source in the paper. See the specifics explained below. Review paragraphing on pgs. 408-4111 in HTWA.
Consider any objections to your position and present a counter-argument in your paper. This is explained in the argument section of the textbook.
Be mindful of transitional devices between paragraphs. It is your job to show the relationship between your ideas and to unify the essay. Review pgs. 416-419 in HTWA.
Make sure that the conclusion isn’t overly simple and if you can help it, do not use the trite phrase, “in conclusion…” Your conclusion is as important as your intro. It is your last hurrah, your last opportunity to make your case for what you are writing. It too should be at a minimum 7-8 sentence long. You can review conclusion paragraphs on pgs. 425-427 in HTWA.