Sexual Harassment Workplace

Sexual Harassment Workplace

Sexual Harassment Workplace. Introduction

Sexual Harassment Workplace. Employers are liable for the acts of sexual harassment by their employees when they cannot prove that they have done due diligence to prevent them. The assertion is made in the Australian’s Discrimination Act of 1984 (Purdy and Levy 2010). Several aspects were critical in defining sexual harassment including the fact that it is unacceptable, that it offends, and humiliates the victim. Despite this, the violence has continued to characterize the Australian society. Women’s Health Victoria (2017) explains that at least 25% of women and 16% of men in the country have gone through the experience. The violence is likely to take place in male-dominated places of work. Further, younger women taking junior roles are more likely to be harassments as compared to older men at the top level managerial positions.


Sexual Harassment Workplace
Sexual Harassment Workplace


One of the major impacts of sexual harassment is harm to the physical and mental health of the worker. They may go through depression, trauma, and stress (Foote and Fitzgerald 2016). It limits their productivity levels, making it challenging to achieve professional goals. They may also incur injuries as the perpetrator struggles to make them comply with their demands. Medical costs are incurred as the victim treats the injuries and mental issues. Their reputation is also ruined. McDonald and Charlesworth, S (2016) add that the employers tend to deny that the acts of sexual harassment are taking place in their companies. In other instances, they do not understand the consequences and hence, do not take measures to prevent the violence. Accordingly, investigating the issue further through research is important. This essay asserts applying of liberal feminism and socialist feminism theory to solve sexual harassment issues is worthwhile; it births an ideal workplace environment where workers can thrive.

Liberal Feminism (Sexual Harassment Workplace)

The liberal feminism theory lays emphasis on offering equal individual rights and liberties to men and women in any society. It is argued that the social and sexual roles should be structured in such a way that women’s capacity to get self-fulfillment is promoted (Saulnier 2014). Further, the sexual differences that may lead to hierarchical right and roles are rejected. Neutrality and privacy is embraced, where everyone has a chance to pursue a course that works for them. Women are required to make choices that lead to quality of life. As opposed to radical feminist’s suggestions that separatism will lead to a better life for women, liberal feminists indicate that the gender should be offered freedoms in a democratic society (Jenkins and Finneman 2018). Aspects that deny equal opportunities to them must be eliminated through the law. In regards to commercial sexual activity, the theory embraces a libertarian approach. Therefore, women who opt to participate in pornography or prostitution should not be harassed or discriminated. The gender should make decisions on the sexual orientation, practices, and partners.

The liberal feminist theory is applicable in sexual harassment in the workplace. By arguing that women should be offered a chance to make choices on their sexuality, the chances of harassment are minimized. The same rights are offered to the males (Jenkins and Finneman 2018). It creates an environment where all genders remain productive. At the same time, some of the choices made by the women may be viewed as sexually provocative and inappropriate in the workplace. The theory suggests that women should be offered such rights. The employers must, therefore, define the rules and regulations so that all workers can exercise their rights without necessarily infringing upon the rights of others. Still, the employers must give women a chance to take higher ranks in a company. Financial independent and good positions are likely to reduce the cases of sexual harassment in the workplace. As Women’s Health Victoria, (2017) asserts, younger women taking junior positions go through the experience more than older men taking managerial position. Both men and women should be entitled to promotion and proper compensation. The virtue of fairness in creating the relevant policies is vital in this case. As Wynen (2016) indicates, providing equal opportunities must not be done as an act of being good to women. It should be viewed as a right entitled to all humans. Moreover, the employees must be empowered enough to make the right choices. Employers should provide the chances for training and career development to all workers.

Socialist Feminist Theory (Sexual Harassment Workplace)

The theory proposes that there should be no classes in the society. It is argued that tension and conflicts take place in a society where there are two or more groups in the society (Saulnier 2014). Men enjoy a lot power in the traditional society and thus take higher positions in a company and politics. It creates a situation where the subordination of women prevails. The class controlling the factors of production is likely to discriminate and harass other people. It is in this background that it is proposed that all people should be liberated. Rather than having equal opportunities for women, equality of sexes is deemed necessary. Emphasis is laid on ensuring that humans understand their rights and demand for them at any setting. Ending social oppression can be achieved when women are given a chance to protest and demonstrate. It ends the issues of anger, anxiety, and anguish among other issues. Hicks and Dharaman (2016) explains that the end of patriarchy in a society can lead to a better life for all genders. Every person will be entitled to thrive since the ideologies that subject people to make certain decisions are eliminated. The theorists also feel that liberal feminists do not appreciate the level of oppression amongst women and instead, focus is given to the middle and upper class women.

The socialist feminist theory can be applied to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace. It goes beyond focusing on a specific gender and instead, it seeks to create an environment where all workers are given equal rights (Jenkins and Finneman 2018). The classes that exist in a company should be eliminated. The top-level managers should be treated in the same way as the junior workers. Otherwise, protests must be made. This can only take place when workers are aware of their rights. They must not accept ideologies that discriminate them. The company policy and code of conduct should be made with this in mind. The theory seeks to address the foundations of many companies, where men are entitled to better positions and compensation. Chances of females to get top level managerial positions are few while the subordination of women is widely accepted. At the same time, it is argued that the employers are entitled to harassing their workers, male or female, based on the power given to them through a company’s policy. Making protests against this is vital. By appreciating the high levels of oppression amongst the lower class groups, the employers can be made liable for failing to protect all workers.

Conclusion (Sexual Harassment Workplace)

Certainly, applying the socialist feminism and liberal feminism theories can lead to better working environments. Liberal feminist argue that all genders should have a right to make choices about their sexual orientation and practices. It can create just and fair working conditions. On their part, socialist feminists opine that addressing the issues of oppression by the upper class will create the right working environment. Place your order today for a similar paper, we promise a plagiarism free paper.

Reference List (Sexual Harassment Workplace)

Foote, W E and Fitzgerald, L F 2016, Psychological injury and the law special issue: Sexual harassment. Psychological Injury and Law, vol.9, no.3, pp.203-205.

Hicks S and Dharaman J, 2016, Social work, queer theory and after: A genealogy of sexuality theory in neo-liberal times. British Journal Social Work, vol. 46, no.8, pp 2357-2373.

Jenkins, J and Finneman, T 2018, Gender trouble in the workplace: Applying Judith butler’s theory in perfomativity to news organizations. Feminist Media Studies, vol.18, no.2, pp.157-172.

McDonald, P and Charlesworth, S 2016, Workplace sexual harassment at the margins. Work, Employment and Society, vol. 30, no.1, pp.118-34.

Purdy, A and Levy, N 2010, Experiences of sexual harassment amongst young women workers: An exploration of power and opportunity. Sydney: The Young Worker’s Legal Service.

Saulnier, C F 2014, Feminist theories and social work: Approaches and applications. London: Routledge.

Women’s Health Victoria, 2017, Spotlight on sexual harassment in the workplace. Victoria: Women’s Health Victoria.

Wynen, J 2016, Sexual harassment: The nexus between gender ad workplace authority: Evidence from the Australian public service. Australian Journal of Public Administration, vol.75, no.3, pp.345-58.

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