multi culture models of health and social inclusion

multi culture models of health and social inclusion

Project description
Esasay: Service Organisation and Inclusion Analysis (2,500 words) Further Details: The assessment will enable students to critically examine a health or social care inclusion challenge and compare and contrast ways in which such challenges have been addressed within different services either locally, regionally, nationally or internationally. as: 1. policies, practice and challenges of inclusive education 2. policies, practice and challenges of health inclusion 3. policies, practice and challenges of inclusive employment Each summatively assessed element must be passed independently with the overall % being aggregated to provide the grade awarded. In the event that the overall grade awarded represents a referral any element passed in its own right may be credited and not required to be re-submitted. Nevertheless the total grade awarded following re-submission of any elements will be ‘capped’ at the minimum pass level permitted by the programme assessment regulations. In line with NMC standards there is equal weighting between the delivery and assessment of theory and practice within this programme

1. This essay requires you to choose one of the three main modular themes and explore them within the context of current policies and practices.

2. The assignment requires you to develop an understanding of policy and practice relating to inclusion generally and then more specifically to, health or education or employment as it applies to your practice.

3. Analyse key influential factors to the inclusion of people who have learning disabilities within the context of service and care delivery

4. Discuss approaches to good practice, based upon the current evidence, which best supports and enhances the experience of inclusion of service-users

5. You are expected to compare policies and practices within UK and/or other Countries

6. Analysis requires identifying the obvious and less obvious influencing factors of the inclusion issues being explored and providing some discussion on the strengths, challenges and limitations affecting inclusive service delivery.

7. The multi-cultural focus should be clearly considered within the context of your discussion. The essay needs to demonstrate consideration of both the organisational culture of the service and individual/group multi-cultural factors within the service e.g. the nature of the service-users being supported with respect to their own culture, religion, ethnicity, age and gender.
8. The essay should offer some proposals, based upon an evidence-based rationale, for changes/developments in the service which may enhance the experience of inclusion in relation to the theme examined.

The concept of inclusion, its interpretation and application to practice will be the primary vehicle by which contemporary services will be explored within the following three thematic areas:
• Employment
• Education
• Health.

The module will expose students to the richness, commonalities and diversity of approaches and challenges experienced in developing inclusive services for people with learning disability. In so doing, students will acquire an appreciation of the key social, cultural, political, administrative and legal influences underpinning the models, design and delivery of services as they have evolved primarily in the UK whilst also considering some comparable service experiences internationally. This will enable students to critically examine the effectiveness of services in meeting the rights and needs of all citizens who have learning disabilities.


Intended Learning Outcomes – Knowledge & Understanding;

Successful students will typically . . .

1. Identify the key socio-political influences on the evolution of services

2. Analyse service and care delivery models of inclusion of people who have learning disabilities, in terms of challenges and evidence of good practice

Intended Learning Outcomes – Skills & Attributes

Successful students will typically . . .

1. Compare and contrast the merits and/or limitations of service design and delivery across a variety of cultural contexts

2. Propose approaches to good practice, based upon the current evidence, which best meets the diversity of cultural needs of service-users

Module Content

1. Review of welfare systems & economy
2. Overview of issues of inclusion within:
(a) Health
(b) Education
(c) Employment,
3. Service-user & carer dimensions of inclusion.
4. Multi-cultural/International models of health and social inclusion
5. Raising the political awareness of inclusive best practices
9. Do keep in mind that this is not an essay on just the theory of “inclusion”; it is about the application of theory/evidence to the service context which you are examining.
Further Guidance on Academic/Professional Issues
• You are reminded to maintain confidentiality at all times, avoid naming or giving details that may identify individuals/service-users, families, peers, colleagues, hospitals, clinics, teams, units or specific care providers.

• You are reminded to refer to the ‘Theoretical Assessment Regulations’ within your Programme Handbook for the principle requirements of producing and submitting assessed work

• An appropriate professional and academic style must be adopted
• Material must be supported by reference to relevant literature and appropriate evidence throughout

• There is no prescription on the number of references to be used but ALL material presented must be appropriately attributed/referenced. Review and ensure that you use citation and referencing correctly.
• Research and select evidence which puts the “inclusion” of people who have learning disabilities at the centre of consideration in providing high quality support/services.

• Research and select primarily UK based evidence which supports the theme and aspect(s) which you are focussing upon

The concept of inclusion, its interpretation and application to practice will be the primary vehicle by which contemporary services will be explored within the following three thematic areas:
• Employment
• Education
• Health.

The module will expose students to the richness, commonalities and diversity of approaches and challenges experienced in developing inclusive services for people with learning disability. In so doing, students will acquire an appreciation of the key social, cultural, political, administrative and legal influences underpinning the models, design and delivery of services as they have evolved primarily in the UK whilst also considering some comparable service experiences internationally. This will enable students to critically examine the effectiveness of services in meeting the rights and needs of all citizens who have learning disabilities


Module Aims

• To engage in the debates, issues and challenges of constructing inclusive services within health and social care for people who have learning disabilities

• To examine examples of models and approaches adopted to the support and inclusion of people who have learning disabilities within a multi-cultural and international context

Intended Learning Outcomes – Knowledge & Understanding;

Successful students will typically . . .

3. Identify the key socio-political influences on the evolution of services

4. Analyse service and care delivery models of inclusion of people who have learning disabilities, in terms of challenges and evidence of good practice

Intended Learning Outcomes – Skills & Attributes

Successful students will typically . . .

1. Compare and contrast the merits and/or limitations of service design and delivery across a variety of cultural contexts

2. Propose approaches to good practice, based upon the current evidence, which best meets the diversity of cultural needs of service-users

Module Content

1. Review of welfare systems & economy
2. Overview of issues of inclusion within:
(a) Health
(b) Education
(c) Employment,
3. Service-user & carer dimensions of inclusion.
4. Multi-cultural/International models of


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