Finance and Accounting

Finance and Accounting

A Business performance evaluation report
Project description
must be in the format of a academic report

MFR Assessment -Intended Learning Outcomes:

Concepts tested in the assignment:
Apply underlying financial accounting concepts and principles to evaluate business performance. Also explain and critically evaluate and analyse business performance using ratio analysis techniques whilst demonstrating knowledge of the limitations of ratio analysis.

Critically analyse and report on your findings of company performance against the competition and the overall sector the company trades within.
Critically evaluate what you believe are the management accounting theories that may have assisted the financial performance of your chosen company and link these management accounting concepts to some of your financial ratios used above.

Evidence of use of a wide range of resources and good, timely academic resources.
Accurate use of Harvard referencing

Evidence of professional and structured format with appropriate language and style that effectively communicates critical analysis and findings

Evidence of appropriate use and application of graphs and charts providing clear, concise and key critical analysis of both financial and non-financial (i.e.strategic management)performance.

MFR Assessment – Tasks

You must choose a UK based Plc. Company from the FAME database and a competitor Plc. in the same business sector to compare financial performance of both companies . We advise that you use 6 ratios of your choice over the last 5 financial years to measure the financial performance section of your company against its competitor company.

You should monitor business performance & review any changes in accounting conventions impacting on corporate performance. All groups should keep records of share price movements and keep abreast of national and international business news to explain any impact on capital & financial markets reflected through share prices and perceived performance of these organisations.

It is imperative that students ensure that their reports are underpinned by theoretical principles and concepts that you have learned during your weekly learning activities and wider independent study. All evidence e.g. graphs, news reports, bulletins, financial reporting exposure drafts etc. should be analysed and evaluated to underpin the report.

Students should make use of tables & graphs etc. to present complex data/information and ensure that the report is written in a professional way. This is especially important as students will be expected to benchmark their chosen company against a competitor company.

The report should be circa 3,000 – 3500 words.
Referencing should be using the Harvard style of referencing
Although you can learn from the structure and content layout of these previous coursework assessments on no account must you copy directly from this piece of work into your own assignment, otherwise it will be deemed as plagiarism.

Referencing Requirements:
Managing Financial Resources Core textbook

Title: Accounting for Managers
Interpreting Accounting Information for Decision making

Author: Paul M. Collier

Edition: 4th Edition 2012

Publisher: john Wiley & Sons Ltd

ISBN: 978-1-119-97967-8




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