Computer sciences and Information technology Network Security

Computer sciences and Information technology Network Security

Project description

You are required to choose TWO network security software tools and conduct a comparison of them. The two tools must satisfy the following criteria: <br />
• They must be of a similar type. Otherwise, a comparison would be unfair and of limited purpose. <br />
• They must be of a type listed in Appendix A. Other types are not acceptable unless explicitly agreed by the module leader. <br />
• They must be agreed with your module leader. The means of reaching this agreement are described below. <br />
• The number of students comparing the same two tools will be limited to a maximum of 5, on a first-come, first-serve basis by Week 5 (04th March 2014). Furthermore, you should ensure that there is no significant overlap between this coursework and the work that you are undertaking for your final year project. If you are in any doubt, please discuss your choice of tools with the module leader, prior to the deadline specified below. <br />
You must be capable of demonstrating your tools to your tutor(s) using either

i) the hardware/software available in room KD.2.15 <br />
or <br />
ii) hardware/(legal) software that you own and that you are able to bring to the University. <br />
Please note that the assessment of this coursework does not require a demonstration. However, you will be asked to demonstrate your tools if there is any doubt regarding the authenticity of your work. <br />
You must submit a report of NOT more than 2,000 words (excluding the title page, screenshots and reference list) which contains the following: <br />
• A brief description of the two tools that you have chosen to compare. <br />
• A brief explanation of the criteria that you used to compare the two tools. <br />
• A brief summary of the outcome of the comparison based on the criteria that you have selected. The outcome should be presented in the form of a table with three columns; Column 1 – the evaluation criteria, Column 2 – an assessment of tool 1 against the criteria and Column 3 – an assessment of tool 2 against the criteria. Your summary should also include an overall assessment i.e. which of the two tools would you recommend and why. <br />
• A reference list indicating the sources of information that you have used i) to develop your understanding of the purpose and function of your chosen tools and ii) to select your evaluation criteria. <br />
<br />
Please avoid the inclusion of large numbers of screenshots. Include only those that are necessary to illustrate the application of your evaluation criteria. <br />
Both the submission and the assessment of this coursework will be entirely electronic. You should therefore submit your assignment via the Turnitin link on the homepage of the Moodle website for this module. You will NOT be able to submit a printed copy of your work to the ACE Reception.





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