Finance and Accounting

Finance and Accounting

evaluate the role of finance director in an organisation of your choice.

Project description
You are required to evaluate the role of finance director in an organisation of your choice. Your evaluation should include

• a detailed official description of this role in your chosen organisation and a comparison of this description to that found in at least three different job adverts

• the sources of information that are available to the Finance Director in your chosen organisation, and analyse how effectively this information is used.

You are advised to:

• If possible, apply the question to your own organisation or any organisation that you are familiar with provided that it normally uses debt finance. <br />
• Make extensive use of relevant academic literature in answering question. You will need to provide a full list of references as part of your assessed work. For advice on referencing please see page 5 of the module handbook.<br />
• Avoid just copying documents and appending them to the coursework.<br />
• To pay close attention to the Assessment Criteria at the end of this document.<br />
• Answers to question must be explicitly structured. As a minimum, the responses to question should contain three major parts: (i) An Introduction; (ii) A Main Body; and (iii) A Conclusion. However, students have the liberty to structure their responses as they may wish by, for example, having more or less subsections. Unstructured answers or responses, however, will be penalised<br />
<br />
• Question: A general description of the role of Finance Director will not be acceptable. You need to:<br />
<br />
– either use information from your own organisation or if this is not possible, you need to use relevant literature, including that from professional bodies, to provide a full description of the job of the finance director;<br />
– identify, reproduce and analyse at least three job adverts about the job of Finance Director.


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