Fake News- Enhancing or Damaging Our Understanding of Current Events ?
Project description
You have now seen clips from both The Onion News Network and The Daily Show, and read two articles that give a relatively balanced critique of the fake news genre. Do you think that the fake news genre enhances or damages our understanding of current events? What, if any, role do you believe these types of shows play in developing a deep and balanced view of what is going on in our world?
When formulating your arguments, please be sure to keep the “They Say/I Say” formula in mind- that is to say, don’t just expand on the side of the argument you agree with. Be sure to carefully and adequately explain the other side, before offering your own opinion (and evidence from the readings) as a rebuttal. But keep in mind the balance you must achieve here: by giving too much space to the other side, you may weaken your own argument in the eyes of your reader. By giving too little space to their arguments, you may make yourself look like you have something to hide!
Your write-up should be a minimum of 600 words. You should include in-text citations where necessary, and a Works Cited Page. Feel free to utilize any of the clips on Blackboard, or any you might have found on your own for last week’s homework. And, as always, you are strongly encouraged to frame your responses by using our readings as a strong foundation for your arguments. This write-up will be due Wednesday April 9th, by class-time.
The link for the clips we watched in class
The dally show
The Onion News Network
The articles online:
And the tow articles will be attached to the order one for The Onion News and the other one for The daily show.
Note: The sources only from the tow articles and the clips that I attached
you may find another clips that from the daily show or the onion news to use it as a source. And the number of sources as many as it need for the essay.