Does oral care every 6 hours reduce the risk of ventilator-acquired pneumonia in ventilated patients compared to every 12 hours within length of time ventilated?

Instructions:  Select an article pertaining to the question you have formulated.  The article you are critiquing should be a report of original research with a clearly labeled section on methods.  Reports of literature reviews are not acceptable.  Postings must address specific pertinent areas outline in the rubric.  Article must be recent, published within the last 5 years and must be from a peer-reviewed nursing journal.  Posting length is a minimum of 500 words and a maximum of 750 words.  APA format must be used.  Share helpful tips and tricks you have discovered to look for finding articles.

Questions formulated: Does oral care every 6 hours reduce the risk of ventilator-acquired pneumonia in ventilated patients compared to every 12 hours within length of time ventilated?

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