Aspects of leadership

Aspects of leadership
Throughout the course, you will be learning about different aspects of leadership, and you will be introduced to Self-Assessment activities to allow you to gain an introspective view of your leadership strengths and weaknesses.
Good leaders know about themselves – not only what characteristics they bring to the table, but also what they believe and value. Your goal in this class is to think about yourself. What are you passionate about? What strengths and weaknesses do you bring to leadership? What are your developmental needs and what motivates you? You are to write a paper about you as a leader. It should include information about your values, your beliefs, what you stand for, and how you behave in a leadership role. What do you fear? What hampers you in your efforts? Remember, leadership is about influence and vision. What is your vision? What will your legacy be?
This paper should include numerous references to the text and other outside sources. You should also incorporate Self-Assessments as well as feedback from your classmates and coworkers. The framework for the class content should inform your choice of topics. Compare your thoughts from the first assignment as you were coming into this class and describe what you have learned in the past eight weeks. What surprised you the most? What confirmed what you already knew about yourself?
Lastly, the paper should include an action plan. What do you plan to do about developing yourself, and how will you go about it? Money should not be of consideration, think big. Who are you, where do you want to go, and what have you found out about what needs to be done to help you develop yourself in order to get there?
Textbook: Hackman, Michael Z., and Craig E (2013). Johnson. Leadership: A Communication Perspective. Long Grove, IL: Waveland.





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