
The purpose of this assessment exercise is to develop students’ understanding of their future profession and what might impact their practice

when working within the Australian health care system. In addition, skills in critical thinking, searching for high quality and current

literature and writing for a specific audience will be extended. Health professionals need to be aware of the context in which they will be

working, making this essay is an opportunity to review how well your future profession fits within this context.
Analyse the essay statement: Providing health care in Australia involves a complex interplay between funders, providers, governments,

individuals, interest groups and policy directions. Identify a concept that relates to the Australian health care system and argue its value

from the perspective of your future profession.
It is recommended that you develop a logic grid for searching the electronic databases (refer to the LibGuides for HLTH1305; refer to the

Library tutorials for searching the databases).
Search for high quality (credible) and up-to-date (last 5 years) information from peer-reviewed journals, textbooks, health professions’

websites, and Australian government websites such as the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Australian Bureau of Statistics and the

Health Department.
Develop an argument from which an essay can be written, based on concepts such as universalism, welfarism, economic rationalism,

institutionalism, medical dominance, consumer-directed care, social determinants of health, equity and equality, etcetera.Concepts will be

discussed in detail during tutorials and forum discussions.Refer to the Student Learning Centre guides ‘Writing an argument’ and ‘Writing an

essay’; refer to McKendry 2015, Critical thinking skills for health care, Routledge, Oxon, UK.
Read widely, start writing as early as you can, proofread and edit your drafts.
Utilise the Turnitindrafts dropbox and respond to the text-matching report as necessary.Turnitin will automatically generate a text-matching

report when a paper is submitted to the AE4 Essay assignment dropbox. Allow sufficient time to submit and receive your draft Turnitin report,

and respond to it as required, before submitting your final paper to the AE4 Essay assignment dropbox (refer to the Student Learning Centre

guidelines on using Turnitin).
Submit your final paper by uploading your document to the AE4 Essay assignment dropbox (on FLO). The essay is due in week 13, Tuesday 7 June

2016, before 4 PM.
Content of the essay
• Demonstrate an understanding of a concept that relates to the Australian health care system (e.g. universalism, welfarism, economic

rationalism, institutionalism, medical dominance, consumer-directed care, social determinants of health, equity and equality, etc.).
• Demonstrate an understanding of the complexity of the Australian health care system.
• Argue the value of the chosen concept from the perspective of the student’s future profession. There should be a logical progression to

the argument.
• Use at least 8 credible references to support the essay.
Structure of the essay
• Structure the essay by having an introduction, body and conclusion.Give the essay a title.Aim for a well-organised essay where the

conclusion ties the body and introduction together without introducing new information.
• Word count is 1500 words, +/- 10% (range 1350 to 1650 words). In-text references are included in the word count but the reference list

is not counted. Headings and subheadings are counted (when used). The title is not counted.
• Referencing style: in-text references and a reference list are required; Harvard AGPS6 or APA6 are the accepted referencing styles. Up-

to-date information is generally considered to be within the last 5 years (2010 onwards). Check for errors and inconsistencies.
• Writing style should be formal(not colloquial).Check for readability, which relates to the quality of the writing and ease of

understanding the content.
• Document: Name and student ID in the header, and page numbers in the footer.
• File: Word document and not PDF
• Text: Font – Ariel or Times New Roman
• Size: 12p
• Line spacing: 1.5 or 2
• Paragraph: justified; a line space between paragraphs
• Reference list: Single line spacing, aligned Left, a line space between references in the list
Formal writingstyle:
 Use a ‘distant’ voice, meaning do not use personal pronouns
 Use paragraphs andnot dot points
 All wordsare to be written in full, meaning no contractions such as ‘isn’t’, ‘don’t’, ‘isn’t’
 Numbers under 10 should be written as a word e.g. two
 Start sentences with a word, meaning never start a sentence with a numeral
 Acronyms need to be spelt out in full the first time they are used and followed by the acronym in brackets e.g. Australian Institute of

Health and Welfare (AIHW), after which just the acronym can be used

Learning Outcomes
This assessment exercise links to topic expected Learning Outcomes: Please note the strikethrough words do not relate to this assessment


LO1: Demonstrate understanding of key features of the Australian health care systems
LO2: Critically discuss various theoretical and social concepts associated with health care systems
LO3: Demonstrate both independent and collaborative skills in efficiently searching for up-to-date health care information on a range of health

professions, using peer-reviewed journals and health professional association websites
LO4: Analyse Australian health and health care policies and inquiries into the health sector that impact health professional groups
LO5: Demonstrate understanding of evidence-based practice
LO6: Demonstrate professionalism in readiness for future practice

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