World Literature Paper Two – Literary Analysis Research Paper
1. Choose the focus of the paper:
– An examination of any work in terms of its characters, setting, symbolism, point-of-view, themes, style, structure, imagery, humor, or tone
– A comparison or contrast of two works, characters, style, or literary periods
– A comparison of two or more critical studies of a single work
– A study of the social, economic, or political influences on a work
2. Choose a piece of literature to analyze from the assigned reading in the Middle Ages section of the course.
3. Search for outside sources (literary analyses) on the literature using the library databases. At least three outside sources must be cited in the paper. The textbook will also serve as a source.
4. With the focus in mind, read the work again, looking for details and evidence for the paper.
5. Create an outline to organize the paper. Use the model below.
I. Topic
A. Evidence from text supporting topic
B. Evidence from text supporting topic
C. Outside source evidence supporting the topic
II. Topic
A. Evidence from text supporting topic
B. Evidence from text supporting topic
C. Outside source evidence supporting the topic
III. Topic
A. Evidence from text supporting topic
B. Evidence from text supporting topic
C. Outside source evidence supporting the topic
6. Write a rough draft, using the outline to keep it organized. Remember to use
parenthetical citations to cite all sources within the text of the paper. Also,
cite the sources in the Works Cited page at the end of the paper.
7. Use the following guidelines to organize the paper.
Author and Title
Brief Plot Summary
Body Paragraphs (3 or more)
Topic Sentence
Introduce Text Evidence 1
“Text Evidence” (Parenthetical Citation)
Analyze Evidence (3-4 Sentences)
Introduce Text Evidence 2
“Text Evidence” (Parenthetical Citation)
Analyze Evidence (3-4 Sentences)
Introduce Outside Source Evidence
“Critical Analysis Evidence” (Parenthetical Citation)
Analyze Evidence (3-4 Sentences)
Transitional Sentence
Signal/Transition Word
Restate Thesis
Review Main Points
Final Clincher Statement
8. Revise the paper for content.
9. Edit the paper for grammar, punctuation, spelling, and sentence structure. Use the following check list of errors and rules to correct the paper. (See Essay Revision PowerPoint.)
Use of contractions Errors in capitalization
Abbreviations Writing numbers
Quotation marks Use of adjectives and adverbs
Word Choice Sentence Structure
Misspelled word Omission of apostrophe in possessive noun
Misuse of an apostrophe Comma errors
Errors in parallel structure Dangling or misplaced modifiers
Errors in italics Errors in pronoun case
Usage Confusing shifts in subject, verb tense, voice
Fragments Fused or run-on sentences
Comma splice Misuse of semi-colon
Error in agreement of subject and verb Error in pronoun and antecedent
Incoherent or awkward sentence Errors in verb tense or principle parts of a verb
Do not start a sentence with THERE, HERE, THIS, THAT, IT
Do not use YOU or YOUR. (Write in third person and present tense)
Do not use Contractions (Don’t = Do not)
Vary sentence structure in each paragraph.
10. Type a final draft using the following format.
Cover Page
Paper Title (Creative and Indicative of Essay)
2332.W1 Spring 2014
Professor Kelli Jarman
Place last name and page number in header (Jarman 1 or Jarman Page 1)
Double space
One-inch margins
12 point Times New Roman
(Final Essay should be 5-6 pages)
Works Cited Page
(See MLA – Plagiarism, Parenthetical Citation, and Works Cited PowerPoint)
Follow MLA guidelines
Textbook and three literary analyses sources are required