why fracking should be banned

why fracking should be banned
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I. Thesis
A. Due to health and environmental dangers of fracking, the government should ban any businesses or practices involved with fracking.
II. Water Contamination
A. “Accidents and leaks have polluted drinking water sources; and fracking wastewater bound for water treatment plants has been found to contain toxic chemicals and even radioactivity.”
B. Even though fracking produces water pollution; the polluted water has harmful substances that can cause harm through leaks of toxic chemicals
C. “Accidents and leaks have polluted rivers, streams and drinking water supplies”
D. This could soon be a worldwide problem if accidents continue and if the government doesn’t ban
E. “Fracking wastewater contains high levels of radioactivity and other contaminants that
wastewater treatment plants have had difficulty removing; this potentially contaminated
wastewater can then be discharged into local rivers.”
F. These toxic substances are hard to remove if fracking isn’t banned then more will be added
to bodies of water as fracking continues. Fracking isn’t just in one location because there are
fracking sites throughout the United States. This can cause dangers to the living the these bodies of
water and can also affect humans as well.
G. “The documented contamination happened in Wyoming, where thirty-three abandoned
wastewater pits leached fracking chemicals—including the cancer-causing chemicals
benzene and 2-butoxyethanol—into the groundwater.”
H. Fracking contaminates drinking water which is then led to the health issues it can cause
because there are chemicals that are being released into water pits that can cause cancer.
I. “Besides using vast amounts of groundwater, scientists and environmentalists worry that toxic
frack water—30 percent or more—remains underground and may years later pollute
freshwater aquifers.”
J. Although fracking is booming throughout the United States, scientist has researched that the
toxic chemicals will pollute freshwater as years pass because these toxic substances are
trapped in pits underground. The contaminated water we have now, from fracking, will add on
as years pass. If fracking continues, years from now there will be more polluted bodies of
III. Air Pollution
A. “the chemicals released into the air during the fracking process may be harmful as well.”
B. Air pollution is already a problem in the United States and fracking adds more this this problem.
C. “Emissions from the wells include methane and volatile organic compounds that react with heat and
sunlight to form ozone”
D. Chemicals that are being released into the air react to external substances, such as the heat and
sunlight. With these substances led into the air they will react and pollute the air more.
IV. Health Problems
A. “Researchers have found potentially toxic chemicals—including cancer-causing
benzene—in the air near fracking sites, and they estimate a higher risk of health problems
for individuals who live near those wells”
B. It causes danger to those who live around the fracking site. Those who aren’t even involved
in fracking but just simply living by the area are also affected by fracking. They have a higher
risk of health issues. This will cause them more money to care for their health.
C. “We also calculated higher cancer risks for residents living nearer to the wells.”
D. If fracking spreads more and more throughout the United States, those who are living near
fracking sites will be exposed to harmful and toxic chemicals. They will have a higher risk of
cancer. As fracking spreads, cancer will be more common in the United States
E. “There have even been incidences of serious human health threats that have led families to
abandon their homes in order to preserve their children’s health.”
F. Fracking has caused seriously threats to humans’ health that they had to leave their homes
in order to protect their children from these threats. If the fracking business spreads soon
there will be no place for families to go
V. Danger to Animals
A. “Exposure to open pits has killed countless birds and other wildlife.”
B. Not only humans are exposed to these toxic chemicals, but so are animals. This can lead
to many animals being endangered
C. “Leaks and spills of hazardous materials have polluted bodies of water, forests, farms, and
D. The wildlife’s habitat has been invaded with these pollution caused from fracking. Animals
may not even realized that they are in these polluted surroundings. This can harm more and
more animals as the pollution increases.
E. “along with kills of domestic livestock and wild animals after drinking contaminated water. ”
F. Animals get food and shelter from their natural habitats but fracking has cause their habitats be polluted which in fact animals do not even know. This has caused the many death of animals

VI. Cause for Instability and Earthquakes
A. “The US Geological Service has linked natural gas extraction to seismic instability and small
earthquakes in regions where natural gas drilling is taking place. Researchers found that
as the rate of drilling and the use of hydraulic fracturing fluids increased in an area, so did
the frequency of earthquakes—sometimes dramatically”
B. This is one of the many reasons why fracking should be banned in the United States. It produces
earthquakes. This can cause harm to many factors, such as those who are living near the area, and
people who are working on the job. This is not safe. Fracking is not safe because earthquakes are
not safe. Fracking companies should be concerned for those who live near the fracking sites. They
should have a concern for their safety and healthy.
C. “Researchers believe that the increase in the number of wells drilled, the widespread use of
hydraulic fracturing, and the disposal of used fracking fluids by injecting them into waste
wells are all contributing factors. An Environmental Protection Agency task force is working
on guidelines for “managing or minimizing” earthquakes caused by underground injection
wells that hold fracking wastewater. ”
D. Increase of fracking causes physical damage, especially for farmers who have farm land
near fracking sites. By having more fracking sites, farmers could have a financial loss due to
VII. Danger to workers on the job
A. “Federal workplace watchdogs are warning that the boom in “fracking” is now exposing oilfield workers to hazards they can inhale. It’s an additional risk for roughnecks and service company crews working in an industry that already has a much-higher-than average injury rate.”
B. As for the workers in the fracking business, they are in much more danger. They have more in contact with these toxic chemicals that they are inhaling while working. This will definitely cause a much higher injury rate than just those living around fracking sites. They are actually exposed to these substances for a long period of time.
C. “The diseases documented in fracking areas include respiratory and neurological disorders that will last for generations. Emphysema, asthma, skin rashes, neurological degeneration, and many types of cancer are all documented “downwind” of fracking”
D. Workers in this field have a higher risk of these diseases. Many people are in the fracking business and they may be making a lot of money during the time of fracking. But exposure for a long period of time will cause serious health issues that may not be even worth it even though money has been made.
E. “Mike Krajewski, a father of three, was just 49 when he died of an on-the-job injury in North Dakota, a state that’s been experiencing a fracking boom as oil and gas companies move in to take advantage of the state’s natural resources. His death was the result of an improperly turned valve that caused a pipe to come loose and hit him in the head. A co worker, Brad Hong, was injured during the same incident. Bruce Revers, 58, lives with silicosis, a chronic disease associated with numerous occupations, including fracking; while he worked in a different industry, his life as a silicosis patient relying on external oxygen to breathe is very similar to that experienced by retired fracking personnel.”
F. These are just some of the examples of injury that were caused on the job. Protesters have been trying to ban fracking in hope that these injuries and accidents do not happen. Fracking is a dangerous job especially when injuries like these can not be prevented.


Hydraulic Fracturing Should be Banned
“Hydraulic Fracturing Should Be Banned.” Fracking. Ed. Tamara Thompson. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Rpt. from “The Case for a Ban on Gas Fracturing.” Vol. iv. 2012. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 2 Apr. 2014.

Fracking Pollutes Air With Hazardous Chemicals
Polson, Jim, and Jim Efstathiou. “Fracking Pollutes the Air with Hazardous Chemicals.”Fracking. Ed. Tamara Thompson. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Rpt. from “Fracking Wells’ Air Emissions Pose Health Risks, Study Finds.” 2012.Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 2 Apr. 2014.

Fracking Causes Seismic Instability & Earthquakes
Horwitt, Dusty, and Alex Formuzis. “Fracking Causes Seismic Instability and Earthquakes.” Fracking. Ed. Tamara Thompson. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Rpt. from “USGS: Recent Earthquakes ‘Almost Certainly Manmade’—Report Implicates Oil and Natural Gas Drilling.” 2012. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 2 Apr. 2014.

The Serious Risks of Fracking Outweigh Its Benefits
“The Serious Risks of Fracking Outweigh Its Benefits.” Fracking. Ed. Tamara Thompson. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Rpt. from “Protecting Americans from the Risks of Fracking.” 2012. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 2 Apr. 2014.
V A: IV E: V C:

Fracking Contaminates Drinking Water
Lustgarten, Abrahm, and Nick Kusnetz. “Fracking Contaminates Drinking Water.”Fracking. Ed. Tamara Thompson. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2013. At Issue. Rpt. from “Feds Link Gas Fracking to Drinking Water Pollution for the First Time.”www.propublica.org. 2011. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 2 Apr. 2014.

Fracking Pollutes Water Resources
Clayton, Mark. “American Rivers Must Be Protected from Fracking and Other Threats.” Pollution. Ed. Debra A. Miller. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Current Controversies. Rpt. from “Controversial Path to Possible Glut of Natural Gas.”Christian Science Monitor. 2008. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 2 Apr. 2014.

Life Working in the Refinery: Fracking’s New Chemical Hazards for Workers

Like Working in a Refinery: Fracking’s New Chemical Hazards for Workers

Fracking Booms, Workers Busted

Fracking: Bad for the Environment, The Community, and Workers




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