What Do We Know About Social Media

What Do We Know About Social Media
Paper instructions:

(1)Use database search skills from the library class to locate a scholarly, peer-reviewed article.
(2)Begin by reading the article in small sections, paying attention to the structure of the article.
(3)As you take notes, be sure to use quotes around any actual text you might use from the article you are summarizing. If you write down an idea that you plan to include, write the page number of the article next to it for citation purposes. If the article mentions another article in a citation, and you plan to use the other article’s idea, make note of the source article so you can cite it as well.
(4)See if you can find the main argument in the article.
(5)At the beginning of your summary, write the APA-style citation for your article. Include title of the article, the journal where the article is published, the volume and issue number, publication date, author’s name and page numbers for the article.
(6)Section 1 of the article summary (do not label the sections by number in your paper): Summarize the main point of the article.
(7)Section 2: Why was the article written? For what audience?
(8)Section 3: What sort of research did the authors conduct? Surveys? Experiments? Secondary sources?
(9)Section 4: How did the author(s) report the research? Text, graphs, etc.
(10)Section 5: What was the result of the research? Did the author find what she was hoping to find?
(11) Section 6: Evaluate the article. Did the author choose the best research methods, reporting style? Did the author reach the correct conclusion based on her research? Make suggestions for improvement.
(12) Section 7: Where could we go next with this information? Could we expand the author’s hypothesis or make it more targeted to get better results.







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