What are the economic, political and technological factors and conditions that enabled China to become an emerging economy
a) Introduction: identify what is an emerging economy from a theorist perspective or credible source. Introduce China into the essay by giving an overview of the country and its present economic background, statistical data can be used to strengthen the points made. The country must be presented in a favourable light.
b) Using CHINA, IDENTIFY and CRITICALLY EVALUATE the key Economic, Political and Technological factors and conditions that have enabled it to become a ?Rapidly Developing Economy? or ?Emerging Economy?. Economical, Political and Technological are to become subheadings. Approximately 1800-2000 words
Political- IDENTIFY and EVALUATE what are some of the key political factors and conditions that have enabled China to become an emerging economy. The fact that China joined the WTO in 2001 and opened its country to investment must be mentioned. Also the economic reforms that China implemented in 1978 must be referred to. Be sure to IDENTIFY and EVALUATE other key political factors and conditions which enabled China to be an emerging economy.
Economic- China?s foreign direct investment and foreign exchange reserves must be discussed. Also IDENTIFY and EVALUATE other key economic factors or conditions that have enabled China to become a rapidly developing economy. Globalization must be incorporated. Statistical data and relevant evidence must be used to support the points made.
Technological- again you are required to IDENTIFY and EVALUATE the key technological factors and conditions that enabled China to become a rapidly developing economy. A point that can be made is that China is ascending up the technological ladder because they are now a large producer of mobile phones and other gadgets, whereas before they mainly produced toys and bicycles etc. Ensure to IDENTIFY and EVALUATE other key technological factors and condition that have enabled China to become an emerging economy.
c)Recommendations: What recommendations i.e. future strategic direction, would you make for the China?s economy to sustain economic growth? Recommendations must be made from the findings in (b). The use of relevant theories or frameworks to support recommendations must be incorporated. Approximately 800-1000 words