traditional organised crime
1)Has traditional organised crime been more a source of support to the state than a challenge to it? 2)Does prison work? Can punishment can be re-imagined? What that would entail? Discuss, drawing on relevant sociological perspective.
Project description
its understanding crime and sociology.
Essay Instructions:
• Essays must be approximately 2,000 words. The word limit does not include footnotes or bibliography, but this should not be used to displace your key
arguments into the footnotes. Key arguments must be developed in the body
of the essay. The word limit is subject to a 10% leeway rule, which means
that it can be above or below the overall word limit by 10% (i.e. between
1,800 words and 2,200 words).
• The essay must draw from course materials (i.e. required module readings)
as well as your own independent research.
• The essay must be properly referenced, using the consistent academic
referencing style provided by the University of the West of England
harvard.aspx) and must include a bibliography. Please include specific page
numbers for all in-text and footnoted references. Failure to reference
properly will result in mark deductions and can result in referral to the
academic misconduct committee. For further information, see section on
‘Referencing & Good Academic Practice’ in the module guide.
• The essay must have a clear introduction, overall argument and conclusion.
The essay should not simply summarise reading materials, but needs to
incorporate your own critical analysis and argumentation.
• The overall argument needs to be supported by examples and evidence. The
students should engage with a range of course materials from across the
• Essays should be typed and double-spaced. You should include your student
enrolment number (the number on your student ID card) on the header or
footer of every page. On the cover you must include the name of the module,
the title of the essay, the word count, and the name of your seminar tutor.
• Essays must be submitted electronically via Moodle.
1)Has traditional organised crime been more a source of support to the state than a challenge to it?
i would like to mention little bit everything from some of the subjects what i have done and are related to the question, this are the titles:
crime and culture,
measuring crime,
crime and the economy,
violent crime,
traditional organised crime,
transnational organised crime,
state crime.
please i need carefully to look at the paper before you send it to me. i need you to specifically look not to repeat the idea on different content, and every point made to have meaning not irrelevant. please.
if you can finish it earlier will give us time to go true again and so we have no mistakes…
thank you.
the sociology
2)Does prison work? Can punishment can be re-imagined? What that would entail?Discuss, drawing on relevant sociological perspective.
That’s the question but I do want to be very specific about writing the essay. I need to have little bit of everything that I had this year. Here is some of it but you know what to choose and to link everything to be a good essay,
Everything has to relate to the question above please.
You have plenty of time to do the research for it, please.
The classical school, impact of classicism and positivism on criminology and criminal justice
Positivism, prison system, criminal theory, theoretical foundation,
zemizology imaginary penalties, re-imagine the entire criminological enterprise.
Policing, race, gender, class, ethnicity, bias, strain theory, the labelling perspective, right and left realism, subcultural approaches.
You need to get some research from fallowing books:
Tim Newburn 2013 2nd ed.
tim Newburn ed,2009.Carlen,P. 2008 the war on migration,
the oxford handbook of criminology 5th ed. oxford university press.
McLaughlin,E.and Muncie,Jeds.2013 criminological perspectives Essential Readings 3rd ed. London Sage.
But also you can do more research so it can be at less 10 sources.