The Ten or More Steps to Create a Company Web Site and/or a Blog with Illustrations
Now that you have convinced management and received the “go ahead” you will tell them, step by step, how a Web site and/or blog is set up. Create a ten-step explanation with an illustration for each step supporting it with information you found doing your final research. This report will include ten or more steps which include a discussion of the resources necessary to implement the site and blog, the timeline for implementation, and the benefits of implementation. Each step will contain either tables, graphs or other types of illustrations described in chapter 11, pp. 284-294 of Bovee and Thill. Finally, the report will include six APA formatted references at the end, pp. 432, 433
The report will contain the following sections:
1. A memo of transmittal to the executives in the company. The memo example is on p. 297.
2. An executive summary, p. 299
3. An introduction, p. 300 (This page and the ones following must be numbered.)
4. The body of the report containing the ten or more steps labeled so that each step is properly identified and the illustration is part of the step, not several pages away.
5. A conclusion in which you summarize the evidence from the body of the report and make your final recommendation.
6. A list of six APA-formatted references in correct print and online formats also how to cite information. References must be listed in alphabetical order by the author or authors’ last names. If the author is a company or other type of organization, use the name and list it in the proper alphabetical order. The list of references will be based on the one from assignment 3.
.Assignment 5: Final Report: The Ten or More Steps to Create a Company Web Site and/or a Blog with Illustrations
Now that you have convinced management and received the “go ahead” you will tell them, step by step, how a Web site and/or blog is set up. Create a ten-step explanation with an illustration for each step supporting it with information you found doing your final research. This report will include ten or more steps which include a discussion of the resources necessary to implement the site and blog, the timeline for implementation, and the benefits of implementation. Each step will contain either tables, graphs or other types of illustrations described in chapter 11, pp. 284-294 of Bovee and Thill. Finally, the report will include six APA formatted references at the end, pp. 432, 433.
The report will contain the following sections:
1. A memo of transmittal to the executives in the company. The memo example is on p. 297.
2. An executive summary, p. 299
3. An introduction, p. 300 (This page and the ones following must be numbered.)
4. The body of the report containing the ten or more steps labeled so that each step is properly identified and the illustration is part of the step, not several pages away.
5. A conclusion in which you summarize the evidence from the body of the report and make your final recommendation.
6. A list of six APA-formatted references in correct print and online formats also how to cite information. References must be listed in alphabetical order by the author or authors’ last names. If the author is a company or other type of organization, use the name and list it in the proper alphabetical order. The list of references will be based on the one from assignment 3.