The shape of a HYBRID Annotated Bibliography/Summary&Response of the sources you amass for your position paper.
Paper #3 will
• Contain bibliographic entry for each source. Consult Hacker for Proper MLA formatting of Works, Cited.
• Contain a concise, yet thorough summary of each article. Review Hacker (73) for specific requirements for writing a summary. (This was reviewed in class on 3.25.14)
• Contain a response to each article, evaluating its usefulness to your own argument.
This process (entry, summary & response) will be completed for five (5) sources.
Remember the following:
• Sources must be of an appropriately scholarly nature.
Research: Finding Credible Sources
How do I know if my resources are credible?
• Who is the author? Credible sources are written by authors well-respected in their fields of study. Responsible authors cite their source material so that their accuracy and reliability can be verified.
• How recent is the source? A position paper on the Anglo-Saxon age may cite decades old source material that is still accurate and useful whereas rapidly changing issues (technologies for example) would demand the most current research materials.
• What is the author’s purpose? Every author has an aim – a target he is trying to hit. Every author has a perspective – an outlook that drives his intentions. When determining which sources to use, take into account the position an author takes. Is the article/chapter, book neutral and objective? Does the author promote the same position that you hold? Does the author argue an alternative perspective to your own? Does the author receive any sort of financial backing for his/her position?
• What kinds of resource material will my audience expect/view favorably? As this assignment fulfills an academic purpose, scholarly, peer-reviewed journals and full texts should comprise the bulk of your sources.
• Internet sources can be nearly wholly unreliable.
• Review Hacker: “Conducting Research” and “Evaluating Sources” (334 – 357)
• To write effective summary, you must first read well and understand the author’s ideas. To that end, highlight, underline, and annotate the material.
• To properly evaluate a source’s material as useful to your own argument, you must first know clearly what your topic is (narrow & well-defined), know your own position, and have some ideas of what your own argument’s main points will be. (all of these details are necessary for Paper #4, the researched position essay.