The DNP Project: Identifying a Problem
1.Describe a need or change related to a practice environment. Include your rationale for why this situation warrants attention.
2.Explain how your participation in a specific professional organization (ANY NURSING ORGANIZATION) could be beneficial as you attempt to effect positive change in your identified practice environment through your DNP project.
Find a practice problem and theoretical framework. Using the Library and other professional databases, conduct a search and locate four (4) appropriate primary research articles one of which is a systematic review.
Review the articles and determine what level of evidence they represent. Using the critique strategies presented in the Learning Resources as a guide, consider how the articles you located either support or weaken the merit of your theoretical framework or the importance of your practice problem.
Title: Searching and critiquing the evidence
1.How does the literature strengthen or weaken the merit of your selected theoretical framework and practice problem?
2.What levels of evidence are most prevalent in these articles?
3.Why do you think that level of evidence is most prevalent?
Assignment # 2b ? 1 page ? 2 references ? APA 6th edition
?Consider the practice problem you addressed in assignment 2a
?Review the guidelines in the Literature Review Matrix, included in the Learning Resources. Formulate a research question around your issue as indicated in Part I. Then complete Part II of the Matrix, identifying the resources you will use, search terms and criteria, and Boolean search strings.
?Using the Library, locate 10 articles related to your research question. At least one article must be a systematic review. All of the articles should be primary sources.
To complete:
Title: Literature review Matrix part I & II
Complete Part I and Part II of the Literature Review Matrix template.
Assignment # 2c ? 1 page 2 references ? APA 6th edition
Review Part III of the Literature Review Matrix and notice which middle range theories were used most frequently in the articles you reviewed.
Consider the appropriate use of the theoretical frameworks in each article.
Review the information on empiricism of Theoretical Basis for Nursing and in The Practice of Nursing Research: Appraisal, Synthesis, and Generation of Evidence as you consider your response to Part IV.
Title: Literature Review Matrix III & IV
1.Complete Part III of the Literature Review Matrix.
2.In your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the existing literature, note the appropriate use of the theoretical frameworks.
3.Complete Part IV addressing the influence of empiricism on quantitative methodology.
Assignment #3 – 1 page APA 6th edition 2 references
Reflect on the information presented in this week?s Learning Resources, focusing on the development and use of middle range theories in nursing practice and research.
Search the Library and other scholarly databases looking for examples of the development, analysis, or use of middle range theories in clinical practice.
Determine current trends in the development and use of middle range theories in nursing practice and research.
Consider how the development of new middle range theories advances nursing as a science.
Title: Applying Middle Range Theories to Practice
1.How does middle range theory illuminate concepts in health and health care delivery?
2.What do you see as your particular role in developing (or evaluating) middle range theories? Why might that be important to advancing nursing science and improving clinical practice?