Strategic management: Market place board report

Strategic management: Market place board report

Project description
for this report you will have to log into a game call marketplace. the game has already been played, and all the information you need is available there. I will give yu my username and password once i have confirmed that this paper can be done
Executive summary (doesn’t count in word count)


Summary of original plan.
You should first of all state the mission statement, which you can get from the game

Then define smart objectives in the following areas (again using the game and the VC presentation and the document I attached), for each area say what measures we will use to measure our performance.

Then create a business model for the company, I have attached a presentation to help you (its called the business model)


Performance since applying for Venture Capital funding (starting from quarter 5): using the measures stated above analyse the performance in the following sections.

? here you talk about the 4ps.

? Talk about the new products we launched. Here you should mention that with the 2.5mllion that the VC gave us we used most of it in research and development as we thought we didn’t have any competitive advantage (talk about the value proposition here) We added an exclusive feature to our products in order to separate us from the competitors. The feature that we added was called ultra high performance power/speed
? Also talk about how in quarter 5 we lanched a product for the Mercedes segment, as we thought it was time to venture into a new market. You should include a model like the ansoff matrix and explain how we tried to enter a new segment as we were losing market share and so this was our way to fight back.

? and the new sales office we opened in Toronto. So this would be regarding the place. We added also added more features to our web offices, as we wanted to focus more on selling via the internet.
? talk about how we tried to change our advertising and pricing so we could sell more as our inventory was increasing a lot so we tried to change our strategies.

? Talk about the rating of our products, what customers thought about it.

? look at the cash flow, income statement and balance sheet. Also look at the the financial ratios. You should be able to do this as during the seminars Dominic has taught us how to analyse these things.

? Analyse the financial ratios.
? In the cashflows you should mention how our revenues kept increasing

? In the balance sheet you should mention how we never needed an emergency loan and how our advertising expenses and web sales expenses were rising through each quarter.

? this is the human resources and the manufacturing section. Talk about how we increased our production capacity o 75 a day after the VC.
? How we increases workers payroll in order to increase production efficiency.

balanced scorecard to date:
? here you should look at the strategic book in order to know what to talk about in each section of the balance scorecard.

? Also look at dominic presentations on this. It will help you analyse this section, and help you understand the importance of this. You should mention even though we finished with a positive balance scorecard, in the end it wasn’t our best result. You should look at which section of the scorecard did we get lower grades and try to explain why using models.

Ultimately use models as well in this section

You should also mention how Pineapple and Nova have been better then us, but we tried to see what they were doing. For instance in terms of pricing and advertising and products.

Use printscreens from marketplace to show your point! This will be good for the finance area as you can should all the quarters together.

Review of performance against plan.
? what went well, and what didn’t go so well.: after investing in R D our net income was negative for one quarter however, it paid back as in the following quarter we made up for the losses. Had a positive balance scorecard. Most of our products were rated acceptable by the consumers. Our web sales was doing well after we spent some money making it better.

? deviations from plan due to what wasn’t going so well: we went for a new target market, the Mercedes.

? justification for deviations: mainly due to competitors nova and pineapple saturating the market. Where needed use strategic models.

Analysis of current market: use the information given from the game. Put print screen shots to justify analysis. Say why our market share has been going down. Mention the importance of market share.

How well is the company prepared to compete?
do we have a unique value proposition? Do we have competitive advantage? Are our products unique? I have attached a document called competitive advantage, you should use those models for this section.
Does the company have the resources?

Plan for future: here use the strategic pyramid
What has gone wrong, what is not working well and so what needs to change. How ae you going to change it. Using what you have said before, from what went wrong, you have to state to goals, and measures. State how we are planning to get there, this in accordance with the mission statement in the beginning.

Reflections on performance
– as a business
– as a team

The tactical plan will help you see all the quarters together.
You can go all the quarters just by pressing the arrows previous quarter or next quarters.
I recommend you use the performance report quite a lot, and you can get many graphs from the strategic management section which will also help. Also, the marketing research area.
You should also use the section how to use marketplace as I think this would be beneficial

Assessment Criteria

• The overall picture of the business is conveyed clearly
• Content items have a consistency and logic supporting the overall picture
• Appropriate use is made of strategic tools and techniques
• Explains how own strategy took account of competitors

• Written in a business-like style to convey economically and precisely the content
• The structure enables the reader to understand the strategy and approach adopted
• Accompanying visuals, graphs and tables are appropriately designed, placed and referenced in relation to the text
• The main body of the report contains the essential content and is supported by relevant data in the appendices

• Displays critical self-review of performance
• Identifies key learning points from the exercise and what should be done as a result
• Explains key decisions, why they were made that way, and the resulting implications


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