Strategic Management

Strategic Management

Project description
You are to develop the fundamentals of strategic plans for the Ford Motor Company and the Toyota Motor Corporation, two giants of the automobile industry. You are to develop SWOT analyses and propose strategies for the two multinational enterprises. In doing so, it will be necessary to research, analyze, and compare both firms to understand better their current position and future plans to increase competitive advantage. Common problems facing each auto giant today are the current economy; the competition of the other auto firms; and the demand for a lower cost, more ecologically friendly, alternative fuel vehicle. Your research should include the following issues for both firms. <br />
1. Present your data in the form of a comparative table. <br />
<br />
Issues Ford Toyota<br />
Legal, Social and Economic Environments <br />
Management Structure <br />
Operational & Financial Issues <br />
Analysis of Strategic Intent <br />
Social and External Challenges <br />
Current Manufacturing <br />
Facilities & Distribution System <br />
Market Demand & Demographics <br />
Alternative Fuels & Propulsion Systems <br />

Your document must evaluate, compare and contrast Ford’s and Toyota’s current position on these issues. Respond to the following:<br />
2. Take the perspective of Ford’s Director of Strategic Planning to develop a full SWOT analysis of Ford, identifying and explaining at least five factors for each category (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) and propose a complete strategy (implementation, ramification and evaluation) which addresses one of Ford’s weaknesses and what you would do about it.<br />
3. Take the perspective of Toyota’s Director of Strategic Planning to develop a full SWOT analysis of Toyota, identifying and explaining at least five factors for each category (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) and propose a complete strategy (implementation, ramification and evaluation) which addresses one of Toyota’s weaknesses and what you would do about it.<br />
Deliverable Length: The deliverable length shall be of seven pages (cover page and reference page not included). As astudent, you are required to provide a well-researched and analyzed comprehensive response to every assignment question. Brief, vague, generic, or non-definitive responses will not earn good grades
Objective: The Objective of the assignment will involve the following the Course Outcomes: <br />
Analyze the relationships between a firm and the political and economic forces within its community. Apply critical thinking skills to analyze business situations.

Use effective communication techniques.


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