School of Technology

School of Technology
Subject Specific Skills:
Individual assignment:
Assignment includes 2 sections A and B.
Each student should answer questions from section A and all questions from section B and present the answers in an individual written report of 1500 words to be submitted by due date given.

To pass this component it is necessary to produce (using IT skills) a written report consisting of:
i. 1500 words, double spaced word processed
ii. a clear indication of the title of the area investigated in compliance with the Assignment brief.
The above report should include references, numbered in the text in brackets e.g. [1] and at the end of the report should be presented using the following referencing system:
• [1]
• Author(s)
• Book title, chapter or article and name of journal
• Date of publication
• Relevant page number(s)
• A few words on why this particular reference was selected.



Individual assignment2: Assignment Brief
Answer 6 questions from SECTION A 60%
Anser all questions from SECTION B 40%


1. Where would ideas for new projects and products probably originate in a manufacturing com¬pany? What would be the most likely source in an R&D organization?
2. What factors in an organization do you think would affect the decision to go ahead with a pro¬ject, such as automating a production line, other than the benefit/cost ratio?
3. where does quality fit into the benefit-cost equation? Can you identify some companies or products that compete primarily on the basis of quality rather than price?
4. Identify a project that you are planning to pursue either at home or at work. List all the compo¬nents, decision points, and chance events. What is the measure of success for the project? Assuming that there is more than one measure, how can you reconcile them?
5. Find a recent news article on an ongoing project, evaluate the management’s performance, and explain how the project could be better organized and managed.
6. identify a project with which you are familiar, or select a project from the list of projects found in (4) , and describe its life-cycle phases of the particular project and between 5 and 10 of the most important activities in each phase of its life cycle.
7. Analyse the factors affecting the success of projects as a function of the project’s life cycle. Explain in which phase of the life cycle each factor is most important, and why.
8. identify two projects that have failed and discuss the reasons for their failure.
9. Write a job description for a project manager in a matrix organization. Assume that project manager is employed full time by the project.


Represent the following situations in network form.
10. A new machine is to be purchased. Its use will necessitate employing a
new operator who must be trained by means of special equipment which is delivered with the machine, although the training need not depend upon the machine being in working order.

11. Within a factory there are three machine tools which have
to be removed from their bases, modified, and then reinstalled on the same bases. Assuming that there is only one heavy gang to undertake the initial moving, only one fitter capable of carrying out the modifications, and only one gang of mill-wrights capable of reinstalling the machines, sketch the arrow diagram,






SECTION B..continued


12. Table 1 shows the expected cash flows in pounds sterling in connection with two machines, one of which is to be purchased.

Table 1

End of Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Machine L 1200 1700 2000 2200 2000 1600 1000
Machine M 1000 1200 2000 2500 2000 1000 …..

The first machine L costs £8000, which must be paid for at the beginning of year 1. Machine M costs £10,000 and is to be paid in full at the end of the 2nd year. The first machine L is expected to realise £1,700 at the end of 7 years and machine M is expected to realise £4,000 at the end of 6 years.

Assuming that the cost of capital is 10% which machine should be bought according to the present value criterion? Table 2 below gives formula for calculating present value of a future sum
Table 2. Formula for calculating present value of future sum.

P = S /(1+i)n
Where: P = Present value
S = Sum in the future
i = interest rate ( also called discount rate)
n = number of years





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