Research method and design

Research method and design

Nature of the Study
Nature of the Study
1. Discussion of proposed research method appropriateness (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed). Discussion reflects how the proposed research method will accomplish proposed solution to the problem in comparison to the other methods. 7. Why did you choose these methods? What are the alternatives?

2. Discussion of proposed research design appropriateness. Discussion reflects of how the proposed design will accomplish proposed solution to the problem in comparison to other methods. 8. How might you analyze the data?
2. How consistent are these data collection methods with methods used in existing research on your topic? Why did you choose these methods? What are the alternatives?

Research Questions/Hypotheses Average of 1 to 5 pages
2 required parts
Research Questions
Research Questions
1. Qualitative methods: Proposed research questions must be included in discussion.
Quantitative methods: Research questions must be included in discussion, and depending on the kind of research design, these questions may include proposed hypothesis(es) and the rationale for the hypothesis(es). 9. Formulate relevant research questions and hypotheses.
10. What data collection method might you use? How would that data help answer your research question(s)/hypotheses?

3 Formulate relevant research questions and hypotheses

4. What data collection method might you use? How would that data help answer your research question(s)/hypotheses?

2. Information is presented in a discussion context, rather than simply stated or listed.
1. Assumptions are identified.
2. Rationale for each assumption is given, incorporating multiple perspectives, when appropriate.
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1. Can your idea be tested with any of the various types of experimental designs? Why or why not?
2. What is your design? Why have you chosen that design?
3. What is your target population? How would you identify and recruit participants?
4. What data collection method might you use? How would that data help answer your research question(s)/hypotheses?
5. How consistent are these data collection methods with methods used in existing research on your topic? Why did you choose these methods? What are the alternatives?
6. How would you ensure quality and reliability of the data?
7. How might you analyze the data?
8. What are the target audiences for your findings?




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