reflect diary placement in the hospitals.

reflect diary  placement in the hospitals.

Kindly, apply (Rolfe reflective model) on that diary reflective report (what, so what, now what). Use always (i) to talk about myself.
No need to full academic writing, just writing about my experiment with placement work.
First day:
•    9:30 I met super attended of radiology department in the hospital. We talk and discussion about rules and policy in the department.
•    10:15 Trans to MRI department with MRI super attended of MRI. we took around in the department to know about rooms and staff and devices also he explained to me about daily work in the department and how he divide work between his staff .
•    After that I started to observed cases coming to scan in MRI department. For example :
MRI Liver they applied MRCP protocol, patient with gallstone they applied MRCP 3D and patient with large fibres mass in the uterus. That only examples about cases I have seen there ,
•    They use Philips MRI 1.5 T.
•    I feel there are difference than Saudi Arabia hospitals exactly with devices numbers and technology in Saudi Arabia better, but in the management policy and organization of work better than Saudi Arabia ( you can add something under this section).
•    I would like to apply management  rules I took from  my first day in the placement(please add something here to trans ideas I took to my department in Saudi Arabia) .

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