property crime offenders
Discuss and critically evaluate research into the decision-making processes of property crime offenders. Your essay should focus on research that has adopted a “grounded approach” (i.e. the work of Bennett, Wright, Logie, Nee, Taylor and colleagues).
Project description
Marking Criteria
When marking your essay, the marker will be looking out for evidence of the following:
Structure: The marker will be looking to see whether you have thought carefully about how the material in your essay should be organised in order to present the most logical, coherent and convincing argument possible. This means that each section of your essay should be linked together in a way that allows the argument to flow smoothly (rather than each central idea/theme being presented independently and the sections not linked in any way). Also, your essay needs to demonstrate that you are able to identify distinct clusters of ideas/research studies/theories that are conceptually similar in some way and that each cluster is dealt with in turn (rather than the essay skipping backwards and forwards between different ideas/themes)
Content: The marker will be looking for evidence that you have covered the basic studies/theories/ideas that are relevant to your essay (as identified in lectures and through the core readings in the module guide). However, you must also go beyond these basic readings and demonstrate that you have independently identified additional relevant material (e.g. book chapters, books, journal articles, government reports etc.). Please see below for a list of useful references that correspond to each of the three essay titles, which should act as a starting point for your research.
Critical Analysis: A key part of psychology is the ability to critically evaluate research and theory. The marker will, therefore, be looking for evidence that you can identify both strengths and weaknesses in research/theory. Furthermore, you should be able to discuss what these strengths/weaknesses mean in terms of the essay question. Also, the marker will be looking for evidence that you are aware of different perspectives/viewpoints regarding a given essay question and that your essay considers both sides of the argument (e.g. evidence to support a given theory and evidence against that theory).
Presentation: It is important that you present your work clearly and neatly. This means adhering to the formatting requirements above and ensuring that your essay has been thoroughly proof-read prior to submission.