Primary Health Care “PHC” Answer Question

Primary Health Care “PHC” Answer Question

The aim of this assessment is to provide you with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the application of PHC concepts and health promotion practice with particular reference to the health of Indigenous Australians. The following learning outcomes are targeted:


Explain the principles and practices of Primary Health Care (PHC)
Explain health promotion as a strategy within a PHC framework
Explain strategies for negotiating collaborative partnerships when working in a PHC setting
Using a PHC framework, identify strategies for working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and their communities, in urban, rural and remote settings for the improvement of health.
Students will be required to respond to questions relating to the PHC principles and health promotion elements identified in a DVD from a TV program.

In order to complete the assessment you will:

View the TV program a few times so that you can become familiar with the content.
Reflect on the content and identify ways in which the principles of PHC and Health Promotion (HP) are demonstrated.
Review on-line learning materials. Reflect on what you have been taught about the health of Aboriginal Australians and factors influencing their health.
Do some searches yourself for background material about PHC, HP and Aboriginal health, as well as other programs aimed at improving the social determinants of health for Aborigines.
General guidelines:

Answers to questions 1-4 will have a maximum word limit that will total 750 words. Word limit for each question is provided with the question
The fifth question will involve preparation of a health promotion poster, which is not counted in the word limit
The poster is additional to the written component
The poster does not contribute to the word limit
The Marking Criteria and Standards show allocation of marks for each section of the assessment. Note that the assessment will be scored out of a possible 80 marks
Questions for the written assessment

These are the 5 questions which you will be required to respond to when completing the Written Assessment.

Please refer to the marking criteria and standards: Assessment 2 (pages 14-17 in the PHC in Action learning guide) for information about the criteria upon which marking of this assessment will be based. paying attention to these criteria will assist you in preparation of your assessment.

Question 1: 150 words

Jan, one of the Aboriginal elders in the TV program, described education for their children as something they would fight for. Despite entrenched problems with absenteeism and low academic outcomes they expected that their children would go onto finish year 11 and 12 and further studies.

Developing programs to improve Aboriginal children?s participation rates at school may seem to be unrelated to health and health promotion. However, a person?s level of education is known to influence health outcomes and, as such, education is considered a social determinant of health.

With reference to the ?Menindee method? project profiled in the TV program explain the role of education as a determinant of health.

Question 2: 200 words

In the TV program Jan also stated that ?We do not expect anything less for our kids just because we?re in a remote country town.? Living in a remote location is known to contribute to inequity of access to health and other services.

Identify factors associated with living in remote areas of Australia which may contribute to inequity of access to health and other services and discuss how they may impact on health outcomes for school age children and their families. In your answer you should discuss the relevant principles of PHC and refer to appropriate examples from the TV program to support your discussion.

Question 3: 200 words

The reporter in the TV program commented that a ?social network focused on the Menindee Central School? had been created. This type of intersectoral collaboration is essential to the success of primary health care interventions aimed at preventing and resolving health-related problems and promoting health.

Discuss intersectoral collaboration in the context of PHC and explain how intersectoral collaboration was used to promote the health of the Aboriginal students at Menindee Central School (in the TV program), their families and the community.

Question 4: 200 words

In the TV program an aboriginal elder from ?The Firm? explained that a lot of government polices don?t suit particular communities and that they advocated for ?local solutions to local problems.? This approach reflects the primary health care principle of community participation, whereby individuals and community groups are valued for their local knowledge and assisted to participate in decision making processes that affect them.

Identify examples from the TV program that exemplify this ?local solutions to local problems? approach.

Using these examples, explain how community participation can be used as a strategy for promoting health.

Question 5: Poster

The TV program describes a cultural exchange program that is operating in the Menindee Central School, where the students get to meet students from other cultures, including students from China, Japan, Cambodia and also Sydney. Such cultural exchange programs foster the development of cultural sensitivity which is an important principle in PHC.

Imagine you are on your clinical placement in a community health centre. Your facilitator has asked you to create a poster which conveys the values of cultural sensitivity within a PHC framework. The poster will be used to teach cultural sensitivity in preparation for cultural exchange program between students at Menindee Central School and a visiting group of students from a High School in Western Sydney.
This is Youtube TV program you need to see in order to answer all the question


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