Political risks rise in Turkey

Political risks rise in Turkey

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HIGHLIGHT: Undermining of independence of regulators will deter foreign investment.

Search Terms [HLEAD(Regulation Political risks rise in Turkey) and date is 2011] (1) View search details


Source [Euromoney]

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Unlike regulatory risk which one predict looking at the economic indicators and measures the government could use to fight those risk, Political risk is more unpredictable the corrective actions which the government embark on could greatly impact the operation of many businesses including Walmart doing business in Turkey. For instance the government passed a law to put the regulatory bodies such the banking regulators, deposit insurance fund regulators and the capital market regulators under the oversight the ministries would cause visitors concern of committing their capital to Turkey. These regulatory bodies have increased visitors confidence to do business in Turkey. With the growing current account deficit, attracting direct foreign investment would help to reduce the importation such certain product. For the reason the independence of foreign investors would help to increase direct foreign investment in Turkey.
However, failure to privatize certain industries such as gas and electricity has also worsen by lack of independence making hard to attract foreign investment.
For political reason the bank governor has pressure by the political AK party influence to reduce interest rates because of his relationship with the Ali Babacan. The move raise concern as many foreign investors are not happy with this decision. The governor making such a move not for economic reason suggests it was for political purpose. Such political move would also make it harder for Walmart to a forecast operation decision.

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