Philosophy paper on the State of Nature
Choose one of the following questions.
Option 1: If you choose not to take part in the state of nature offer in class it must be
That you believe there is no way to maximize your self-interest by doing so.
If you were talking with_someone outside of class he might not believe this.
He would likely insist that surely there must be some way of coming out
ahead if we only think about it long enough. Show why this is not the case,
and why there is no expected benefit from entering into this situation.
Option 2: If you choose to participate in the offer it must be that you think you will
receive a benefit from participation. Explain why this is the reasonable
This game is based on Thomas Hobbs theory on the state of nature. The state of nature offer goes like this: our professor is offering us (the students) an opportunity to choose our own grades as an extra grade added to the 4 total grades that we currently have. We have one of two options: either ask for an a or ask for a b.
If all the people who choose to participate ask for a B, than everyone gets a B; in consequence, we will have our two lowest grades dropped; resulting in 2 grades plus the B we received from this game being averaged out as our final grade.
On the other hand, if someone asks for an A, than that person will receive an A, but the rest of the contestants will receive an undroppable F that will be averaged into the final grade (disregarding the B that they asked for).
Whether someone chooses to participate in this game is completely optional. If a student chooses to participate, they can do so via Email; thus providing every student with a blanket of anonymity in which the only person who knows what each student chooses is the professor.
Also, a student can choose to opt into the game at any time of their choosing as long as its before the day a professor must input the final grades. Therefore, if 2 students ask for an A, the 2nd student who asked for the A will receive the A canceling the first student?s claim to that A whilst simoltaniously giving everyone else an A. This will also be the case if more than two students ask for an A. if the entire group of participants ask for an A, than the last student that asked for an A will receive the A, failing the rest of the participants in the process.