Persuasive speech

Persuasive speech

Why Communication is Important

You will take into account the following when writing this speech:
a) audience
b) communication theory
c) public speaking/persuasive communication
a) audience: your speech will be delivered to a conference of communication students. For this reason, you will need to write an informed and well-constructed presentation;
b) communication theory: as you are speaking to communication students, you will need to use communication theory as evidence of your knowledge of the field (theory). You should use at least three theories of communication to support your argument. These theories can be drawn from any discussed in the lectures from Weeks 1 – 8: for example, self-disclosure; social penetration theory; symbolic interaction; groupthink; communication accommodation, framing/agenda setting, discourse, narrative theory.
You will need to include at least 3 academic sources on these theories in your presentations. Please note: LECTURES ARE NOT ACADEMIC SOURCES.
c) public speaking techniques: construct your speech using some of the available techniques of public speaking/persuasive communication. Simple readings on this topic will be available on e-reserve.
Throughout your 1,200 word speech you will use footnotes to indicate when you have consciously used a public speaking/persuasive communication technique.
In those footnotes just mention in a single sentence or two which technique you used, and cite the source from which you drew this technique.
? You cannot use quotes from the lectures to support your claim.
You must find your own sources.
? You may use either the APA OR Harvard referencing system
(see Moodle site for a link to these referencing systems).You cannot use both systems.
Australian Government Higher Education (CRICOS) Registered Provider number: #00212K
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? This assignment must be in 12 font and with 1.5 spacing. Some modelling of this assignment will be available on Moodle.
Purpose of assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to enable you to:
? critically reflect on communication and its role both individually and societally;
? develop your knowledge of public speaking and persuasive communication techniques;
? make connections between the theory and practice of communication
? actively and thoughtfully select the most appropriate evidence to construct your argument
? write with clarity and focus and with the protocols and strategies of the specific format (speech) mind
? adhere to academic standards
Marking criteria
Your Persuasive Speech is graded holistically on the basis of the following criteria. It demonstrates that you have:
? understood some of the key concepts addressed in this unit
? exhibited a general ability at writing a persuasive speech
? used basic techniques in the generic skill of public
speaking/persuasive communication
? shown evidence of your capacity for independent and
thoughtful research
? adhered to the academic standards of written communication
and referencing
A marking rubric for this assignment will be available on Moodle.
?Submission details
You will submit this assignment via upload to the Moodle Assignment 2 dropbox.

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