Personal philosophy of nursing.

Personal philosophy of nursing.

Unit 1 has presented different views of nursing, including nursing’s metapardigm, nursing as a discipline and profession, nursing as an art and science, and others. Units 2 and 3 have presented various paradigms and theories that are the basis of nursing knowledge. Units 4 and 5 have explored how nursing knowledge is used and developed in practice.
Synthesize what you have learned throughout the course about nursing and nursing knowledge to formulate a philosophy of nursing. Your philosophy should answer the following questions:
1. What does nursing mean to me?
2. How do I use nursing knowledge in my practice?
3. How can I contribute to the development of nursing knowledge, as a nurse scholar?
The discussion should demonstrate:
• integration of a breadth of materials, including course literature, to support the discussion
• use of examples from nursing practice to illustrate the discussion
• clarity in the meaning of key terms
• personalized, original approach
• logical links within each section of the paper
• logical links among the sections of the paper
Unit 1
What is important to you about nursing as a profession?
2. What types of knowledge do you use in your practice that you think are part of the discipline of nursing? How does this relate to the knowledge of other disciplines
3 How is your nursing practice built on an understanding of nursing as a science? As an art
4. What values guide your practice? How do you enact those values in your nursing practice?
5. What do personal knowing and ethical knowing contribute to your nursing practice?
6. What images come to your mind when you think about health, person, environment and nursing?
7. What does social justice mean for your nursing practice
Unit 2:
1. How has your nursing practice been based in empirical, interpretive and/or critical paradigms? Other paradigms
2. How would your nursing practice be different if you omitted a particular paradigm from your practice
3. How could an “aspects of reality” perspective of paradigms be useful to your nursing practice
4.How could you incorporate a complementary or pragmatic perspective of paradigms into your nursing practice
5. How would your understanding of the concepts of nursing’s metaparadigm differ depending on your paradigmatic perspective (for example, if you were rooted in an empirical paradigm or a critical paradigm)? If you adopted a pragmatic perspective
Unit 3:
1. What nursing theories guide your nursing practice? Are these grand, middle-range, or situation-specific theories
What “borrowed theories” do you use in your nursing practice? What is the effect on your nursing practice of using theories that have been developed in other disciplines?
. How does or could your practice guide the development of nursing theory
What would be a pragmatic perspective of differing levels of nursing theory? Of nursing and non-nursing theory
Unit 4:
1. What does it mean to you to “act knowledge” in your nursing practice? Think about how you integrate nursing science, nursing art, nursing ethics, and your nursing self in your “acting knowledge.

2. Why have you or have you not based your nursing practice on a nursing theory/model? If not a nursing model, what is it based on
3. What types of evidence guide your nursing practice and how is this evidence linked to nursing knowledge
4. What evidence of nursing theory is present in the organization where you work? Is nursing theory included in the mission, vision, and values of the organization? Is nursing theory evident in the documentation of nursing assessment and care
Unit 5
As the 21st century unfolds, what do you foresee as developments in nursing knowledge in your area of practice?
2.What barriers exist to the development of nursing knowledge in your area of nursing practice




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