Personal Ethic Statement

Personal Ethic Statement

Sample Outline for Personal Statement Essay
Please follow this draft outline for your personal statement essay. Remember you are writing a total of 25 sentences, five sentences for paragraph.


a. hook — grab reader’s attention

b. three sentence summary of Leopold’s Land Ethic (including history of human relationship to land since 1600s)

c. your complete thesis statement, which answers the question “I agree/disagree with Leopold’s Land Ethic because… (and list the three reasons why)


a. topic sentence: reason #1 for agreeing or disagreeing with Leopold

b. three sentences that explain this reason #1, including one quote from Leopold

c. transition to next paragraph, linking this reason to the next reason (repeat a key word in this sentence and the topic sentence of the next paragraph as the link)


a. topic sentence: reason #2 for agreeing or disagreeing with Leopold

b. three sentences that explain this reason #2, including one quote from Leopold

c. transition to next paragraph, linking this reason to the next reason (repeat a key word in this sentence and the topic sentence of the next paragraph as the link)


a. topic sentence: reason #3 for agreeing or disagreeing with Leopold

b. three sentences that explain this reason #3, including one quote from Leopold

c. transition to next paragraph, linking this reason to the next reason (repeat a key word in this sentence and the topic sentence of the next paragraph as the link)


a. restate your thesis

b. three sentences that connect this essay to your future relationship to the land/nature

c. final concluding sentence that returns the reader to the idea in your opening hook, OR close with a related quote

Allowed sources:
American Earth book by Bill McKibben Page 265-294 “from a sand county almanac”

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