palliative care nursing in diverse environment

palliative care nursing in diverse environment

To demonstrate your understanding of palliative care nursing in diverse environment (across a range of setting) in Older adult (65+)

Essay Question:
Australia’s population is becoming increasingly diverse. Therefore, meeting the palliative care needs in a range of settings poses many challenges. To demonstrate your understanding of a palliative care approach in a diverse environment, select a patient from one of the following lifespan categories:



Write an essay that:
Question A) Discusses the importance of providing age appropriate care reflecting a palliative approach for a person and their family.


QUESTION B) Illustrate your understanding of nursing care using a palliative approach when applied to your chosen life span category.
• Use current and relevant literature to adequately support your discussion throughout the essay.
Getting started with the literature
To commence this process the following reading may initiate further understanding in relation to age appropriate in nursing care for a patient receiving palliation and their family and carers.
Haley, C., & Daley, J. (2014). Palliation in chronic illness. In E. Chang & A. Johnson (Eds.), Chronic illness and disability. Principles for nursing practice (2nd ed.). (pp. 232-248). Chatswood: Elsevier.

Brererton, L., Gardiner, C., Gott, M., Ingleton, C., Barnes, S., & Carroll, C. (2011). The hospital environment for end of life care of older adults and their families: an integrative review. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 68(5), 981-993.

( introduction 150 words)

1)First body paragraph (300 words) :why it is important to design palliative care appropriate for your chosen age group (Older adult (65+). Why it is important to provide age importantcare for a palliative patient and their family , why generally ,it is important to take age into account when planning care? Why is a general care plan not appropriate across all of age group ? for example it can be population profile or increasing health care costs, …..

2)Second paragraph (300 words)one brad concept of providing palliative care example effective communication.

3)Third body paragraph (300 words):another broad concept of providing palliative care example
Person centred care ( including cultural competency , empathy. etc) ). How each one contributes to effective palliative care.
4) )Fourth paragraph (300 words) another broad concept ofproviding palliative care example multidisciplinary teams to meet many and complex needs of patients. Skills needed for collaboration in multidisciplinary teams.
5) Conclusion (150 words).

Topic: To demonstrate your understanding of palliative care nursing in diverse environment (across a range of setting)in Older adult (65+) ____________________________________________________________
Thesis: ____________________________________________________________
Scope (Map) _______________________________________________________
Paragraph 1
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Supporting reasons
Supporting evidence
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Topic sentence: ____________________________________________________
Supporting reasons
Supporting evidence
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Topic sentence:____________________________________________________
Supporting reasons
Supporting evidence
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Topic sentence: ______________________________________________________
Supporting reasons
Supporting evidence
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Topic sentence: ______________________________________________________
Supporting reasons
Supporting evidence
Paragraph 6
Topic sentence:______________________________________________________
Supporting reasons
Supporting evidence
Introduction is exceptional, well- constructed and provides a clear thesis statement which clearly outlines the main points for discussion
Criteria Mark High Distinction
15 – 13
Illustrates understanding of the importance of providing age appropriate palliative care reflecting a palliative approach for a person and their family receiving
Discussion conveys consistent evidence of synthesis in illustrating understanding of age appropriate nursing care for a person and their family receiving palliation.

Student Number: Stude

Criteria Mark High Distinction
20 – 17

Discuss how the nurse supports the needs of a
person receiving palliation, in your
chosen lifespan category group reflecting a palliative
Discussion conveys consistent evidence of synthesis being applied to how the nurse would support the needs of a person receiving palliation, in your chosen lifespan category reflecting a palliative approach.

Discussion is expertly supported by current academic research, with superior grasp of current knowledge related to topic evidenced.
Criteria Mark High Distinction
4.5 – 5

Provides an exceptional, clear, concise, well organized conclusion which expertly and succinctly summarises all the main points raised in the discussion paper and draws these together in an outstanding manner.
Uses correct grammar, spelling and punctuation 10 mark

Correctly applies conventions of in- text citation for specified referencing style. Includes a complete reference list correctly formatted according to specified referencing style. Your essay contains no errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. You apply all convention of APA correctly, use direct quotation sparingly and always paraphrase effectively.
You use the correct bibliographical format for all sources and sequenc them alphabetically


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