opiate users

opiate users

Sheard, L., Tompkins, C., Wright, N, Adams, C. (2006). Recruiting opiate users to a randomized controlled trial in primary care: A descriptive study of GP attitudes. Primary Health Care Research and Development, 7: 106-115.

As you are reading through the article, look for the answers to these questions. They are pretty much in order as you read the article. Each of you should attempt to answer the questions on your own, and then share your answers/observations with your other group members.

1. What is the purpose of this research (exploratory, descriptive, explanatory, application)?

2. Why did the authors of this study think it was important to conduct this research?

3. What is the unit of analysis in this study?

4. How did the authors identify their sample population?

5. How did they recruit study participants? What type of sampling method was used? What did the authors do to try to increase the variability of their sample?

6. How many practices indicated interest in participation?

7. Did the authors try to use all of those practices that expressed interest?

8. Was the final n for the start of this study?

9. This study presents some issues that we often don’t see in other research, especially regarding informed consent. What seems to be different regarding informed consent in this case?

10. Randomization is an important part of this study. What is the purpose of randomization in this case?

11. How were patients “randomized” in this study?

12. How did the authors gain an understanding of GPs views toward recruiting patients for a randomized trial?

13. How many items (questions) were used? What type of questions were asked? How did the authors develop the categories for their questions?

14. What were the primary concepts about which the authors were trying to gain knowledge (what were their research questions)?

15. Look at the questionnaire attached to this article. Which questions seem to go with which research questions, if any (this is an example of conceptualization and operationalization)?

16. How many questionnaires did the authors send out? How many participants did they get responses from? What did they have to do to get responses?

17. How did they analyze their data?

18. How did their results relate to their research questions? Pay special attention to Problem 3 – where do you think this information came from? Was it part of the original research questions?





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