National Association for the Education of Young Children

National Association for the Education of Young Children
The purpose of this learning opportunity is to polish the student’s observation skills. Completing these observations will assess the student’s abilities in the following standards of the National Association for the Education of Young Children:
1. Knowing and understanding multiple influences on development and learning (Standard 1b)
2. Knowing about and using observation, documentation, and other appropriate assessment tools (Standard 3b)
3. Knowing about and upholding ethical standards and other professional guidelines (Standard 5b)
In addition, the following substandard is assessed:
• Verbal communication is accurately analyzed (SS3)

Summary of Classroom /Site Visit
Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as a framework, cite examples of how the teacher establishes and maintains a successful environment, meeting the needs of students at the lower levels of the hierarchy.Please type your responses on a separate page and attach to this. (Complete for one teacher’s classroom).

Grade observed ______________

1. Level 1-Basic Needs
Cite examples of what the teacher does to make sure that children are not hungry, thirsty, tired, too hot, or too cold so that their energy can be focused on learning:

2. Level 2-Safety and Freedom from Fear

A. Cite examples of how the school provides a safe environment for students, parents, and teachers:

B. Do the students seem to feel safe and secure in the classroom? How do you know this? What does the teacher do to establish and maintain a sense of physical and emotional safety in the classroom (cite examples)?

C. List the classroom rules. Evaluate their effectiveness in maintaining an environment that is physically and emotionally safe and secure.

3. Level 3-Love and Belonging (Affiliation Needs)

A. Cite examples of how the teacher makes each individual student feel a sense of belonging (personal space for storage, display of student work and photographs, etc.)

B. Cite examples of how the teacher helps to build a positive relationship between himself/herself and each student and between the members of the class.

C. What does the teacher do to maintain a sense of community, self-respect, and mutual respect in the classroom?
Summary of Classroom/Site Visit II
TECA 1303 and TECA 1318

Using the upper levels of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs as a framework, cite examples of how the teacher establishes and maintains a successful learning environment, meeting the needs of students at the higher levels of the hierarchy. Please type your responses on a separate page. (Complete for one teacher’s classroom.)

Grade observed: ____________________

1. Level 4-Achievement Needs

A. Cite examples of how the teacher provides for the success of learners with varying learning needs or varying ability levels.

B. Cite examples of how the teacher adjusts instruction for the auditory, visual, and kinesthetic learner.

C. Comment on how student work is displayed in the room. Do all students have work displayed or just students with good grades?

D. Discuss how classmates react to each other. Do students encourage each others’ efforts and appreciate each others’ successes?

2. Level 5- Aesthetic Needs (Beauty and Order)

A. Discuss how the teacher helps the students maintain neatness and a sense of order in the learning environment, both for individual space and shared space.

B. What efforts do the teacher and students make to keep the classroom attractive and pleasing to the senses?
3. Level 6-Self-Actualization

A. Discuss examples of how the teacher applies the concepts being taught to the lives of children in a relevant way. What does the teacher do make the learning relevant to the lives of the students

B. Cite examples of how the teacher takes the interests of the students into account when designing lessons and activities?

C. Cite examples of how the teacher helps the students achieve their highest potential (both intellectually and creatively) through classroom instruction and related activities.




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