My Sister’s Keeper Health Assessment

Health Assessment in My Sister’s Keeper


My Sister’s Keeper. The film is centered around a couple and a girl named Kate. Kate has been diagnosed with leukemia. According to consultant doctors, the prognosis is poor. Kate’s guardians have welcomed the idea of duplicating Kate’s chromosomes through hereditary imagining to produce Anna(another child) with the end goal of sparing Kate’s life (Film Analysis, 2013).

My Sister's Keeper
My Sister’s Keeper

Anna gets some answers concerning her origin, and she is filing a claim against her folks. Anna asserts and demands her ‘entitlement to life.’ Kate is becoming weaker, and the symptoms are not improving even after medication. Kate is on hemodialysis because her kidneys fail to function (Film Analysis, 2013).

Functional Health Pattern Assessment

Health Perception. Kate understands her condition and adheres to the treatment regime and advice from the specialist (Film Analysis, 2013).

Nutrition. The Family takes considerable measures concerning food since Kate has been diagnosed with leukemia. The family’s diet includes clean food obtained from natural sources (Film Analysis, 2013).

Elimination Pattern. Kate is receiving hemodialysis sessions because she has been diagnosed with kidney failure. Fluids input and output are consistently measured (Film Analysis, 2013).

Activity Pattern. Kate loves shopping and going to the shoreline (Film Analysis, 2013).

Cognitive Pattern. There are no sensory deficits noted, Kate reads her books and listens to music (Film Analysis, 2013).

Sleep and Rest Pattern. Kate’s sleep pattern is regular although pain interferes with her sleep. Kate sleeps during the daytime when she is tired (Film Analysis, 2013).

Self-Concept and Self-Perception Pattern. Kate acknowledges the disease and continues to grin all through the film (Film Analysis, 2013).

Relationship/Role Patterns. Kate’s family bonds although some relationships are broken. Kate adores Taylors who is empowering her (Film Analysis, 2013).

Coping And Stress Tolerance Pattern. Kate’s family helps her to cope and understand her symptoms. Kate’s boyfriend is supportive, and when the boyfriend passes away, the family comforts her (Film Analysis, 2013).

Cultural, Geographic, Religious, Ethnic, Or Spiritual Considerations.

Kate’s family is Caucasian. The family lives in California and is not affiliated to any religion, or spiritual orientation (Film Analysis, 2013)

Examination of Health Assessment

Normal appraisal discoveries. Kate is a young lady who needs to shop and go to the shoreline frequently (Estes, 2013).

Unusual or Chance Based Discoveries. When Kate remembers her boyfriend who passed away, she becomes weak and weary. Kate experiences epistaxis as a complication of leukemia (Estes, 2013).

Nursing Diagnosis


Health Promotion. Health promotion measures would include; the reduction of exposure to the high concentration of radiation rays and abstinence from use of tobacco products (Jarden, Møller, Christensen, Kjeldsen, Birgens, & Adamsen, 2016).

Disease Prevention. Disease prevention measures will include monitoring input and output of fluids, examination of the skin and mucous membranes for the presence of petechia and ecchymosis, assessing for bleeding gums and blood in the urine or stool (Jarden et al., 2016).

Health Maintenance. Health Maintenance measures will include responding to Kate’s health care needs (Jarden et al., 2016).


The hospice offers help and cares for people diagnosed with terminal conditions such as Kate. Hospice care expresses and acknowledges the patient’s emotions related to the presenting symptoms (Jarden et al., 2016).

My Sister’s Keeper is a powerful movie depicting medical issues including patients’ rights and morals. The emotions evoked by the film allow viewers to make decisions concerning their well-being and contemplate the regularly neglected patients’ rights. Let us write for you!


Estes, M. E. Z. (2013). Health assessment and physical examination. Cengage Learning.

Jarden, M., Møller, T., Christensen, K. B., Kjeldsen, L., Birgens, H. S., & Adamsen, L. (2016). Multimodal intervention integrated into the clinical management of acute leukemia improves physical function and quality of life during consolidation chemotherapy: a randomized trial ‘PACE-AL.’ Haematologica, 101(7), e316-e319.

Nanda. (2011). Nanda Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions for Leukemia. Retrieved from   


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