1. Introduction:
A brief history of the industry or country, with only relevant information pertaining to its current state. (For example, if writing up on the United States of America, I would expect some part to mention the colonies and how our freedom of religion and free market economy was a building block of the country. You don’t need to mention that Ben Franklin created bifocals and George Washington’s wife’s name is Martha.)
2. Body:
This part will analyze the economics of the current industry/country. For industries, some of the information that may be included are statistics like net profit, total sales, company size, etc. Feel free to include charts and graphs if necessary. For countries, information like inflation, unemployment rates, exports/imports, etc. may be included.
3. Projections:
In a few sentences, conclude the paper by giving your opinion o1. Introduction:
A brief history of the industry or country, with only relevant information pertaining to its current state. (For example, if writing up on the United States of America, I would expect some part to mention the colonies and how our freedom of religion and free market economy was a building block of the country. You don’t need to mention that Ben Franklin created bifocals and George Washington’s wife’s name is Martha.)
2. Body:
This part will analyze the economics of the current industry/country. For industries, some of the information that may be included are statistics like net profit, total sales, company size, etc. Feel free to include charts and graphs if necessary. For countries, information like inflation, unemployment rates, exports/imports, etc. may be included.
3. Projections:
In a few sentences, conclude the paper by giving your opinion on how this country/industry will do over the next few years. Will it thrive and be a super power? Or will it slowly become bankrupt?n how this country/industry will do over the next few years. Will it thrive and be a super power? Or will it slowly become bankrupt?