MBA Case Studies in the Music Industry

MBA Case Studies in the Music Industry
MBA Case Studies in the Music Industry

Must have a MBA Degree and completely understand how to analyze business, as well as the ability to communicate (write) it. Everything will be submitted to so it must be 100% original material. Case’s Overview end)

Read every detail of the instructions below and attachments. (Cases attached and these instructions are attached in a word doc)

You will analyze each case and make recommendations related to improving and/or resolving situations within each case while following the format given below.

No outside Sources or title page needed, just your case studies and detailed analysis based on the format given. Follow my instructions completely and make sure you cover every portion of the format.
In analyzing the case and making recommendation, the evidence should only be developed from the case (no sources).

Rely only on the facts, information and data provided in the case. Do not research the firm or industry. All tables, graphs, charts, spreadsheets, and computations used should be presented in labeled appendices and must be referenced in the body of the report.

You should use bold, underlined section headings & page numbers (“p. x/y”) format.12 pt. font in Times New Roman font and Use 1” margins all around

Lastly, you should adopt the focus and perspective of a consultant to top management who is concerned with the total organization and considers the firm as a complex system in which various functional areas are interrelated & simultaneous.

Do not waste space describing case details without adding value. Assume that the reader is already completely familiar with the situation as described. You should, however, refer to specific data or facts necessary to support your analysis and conclusions.

Format (Bolded heading for Each Section) and Checklist (Numbers below is what you must accomplish): Must analyze (not summarize) every section, then make recommendations. If you make assumptions in your analysis of a case, they should be explicit and you should explain why you feel justified in making them.

Executive Summary: This is a concise summary (max:1/2 page- Both cases should equal my 1-page summary that I paid extra for) of the major problems/critical issues and your findings/recommendations for addressing these problems/issues (should be written or finished last after your analysis). It should provide a busy reader with the most important information form the report and is not just a preface that merely introduces the report.

1. Offers a good overview of key issues and conclusions for the report.

(Start 5 Pages for each case here and follow guide below)

Internal Analysis: Identify, analyze, and evaluate the mission, long-range objectives, current corporate, business, and functional strategies, and the organizations performance. (Don’t just describe, but look at performance: (Strengths and Weaknesses). Look at value beyond mere description.

1. Corporate mission, goals/objectives, and performance are assessed effectively.
2. Strategy is identified and assessed effectively.
3. Functional analysts (including some financial and organizational components) is complete and accurate.

Note: You must include an SWOT analysis in this report. Make the table very extensive (appendix) and then refer to it in your internal and external analysis, as well as in your integration of major strategic issues.

External Environment Analysis: Analysis relevant elements of the general, business, and competitive environments. Must identify key opportunities and threats (Part of SWOT analysis).

1. General Environment: Major Trends (technological, political/legal, economic, social/cultural, etc.) are accessed effectively.
2. Business Environment: Industry structure and competitive environment are assessed effectively.
3. Key Success factors are explained effectively.

Integration of Major Strategic Issues: Integrate the major findings in your analysis and discuss the critical issues and problems that you feel must be addressed by management and for which you intend to make recommendations. Here you might refer to your SWOT analysis in the appendix and integrate your points in the paper. (Use 1 to 2 major (Critical) issues that need to be addressed by management). Issues could include problems, threats, weaknesses, etc.)

1. Fit between company’s internal environment and the external environment is sufficiently assessed.
2. Critical issues are defined and explained, including WHY these issues are “critical” and HOW they fit with the internal and external analysis already presented.

Available Alternative Strategies: Present alternative strategies, including major strategic options open to the organization, which can be considered reasonable in the context of the analysis. Should convey the best strategies moving forward.

1. Considers multiple alternatives to address the critical issues.
2. Key pros and cons of alternative strategies are sufficiently described.

Recommendations and Implementation: Propose specific recommendations and a plan from implementation. Be sure that you include the rationale for your choice and that you have discussed major implementation issues. Provide an implementation plan that addresses the general questions: What (should be done), How, When, by Whom, and some rationale to explain Why you recommend this.

1. Specifies a recommended strategy, clearly, explaining why thus was selected from among the set of alternatives considered.
2. Anticipates major implementation issues and barriers, then identifies a credible series of action steps to deal with them.
3. Your Critical Issues and Recommendations are relevant, complete, and significant.

Appendices: Include appropriately labeled references such as tables, graphs, charts, diagrams, financial analyses, spreadsheets, etc. to support your analysis (SWOT). Be sure that your appendices are referenced in the body of your report.

1. Report is well organized, internally consistent, and demonstrates a logical flow of analysis.
2. Appendices are relevant to the overall recommendation and presented in a clear cogent manner.
3. Correct document formatting (headers, footers, font, margin, line spacing) as detailed in the assignment guidelines. Correct use of syntax & punctuation.

Other Suggestions: Do not waste space describing case details without adding value. Assume that the reader is already completely familiar with the situation as described. You should, however, refer to specific data or facts necessary to support your analysis or conclusions.

Lastly, make sure the report is well organized with clear headings & format, is internally consistent, and has a logical flow of analysis and points that a reader can follow/understand. Have a nice balance of overall analysis and recommendations. Distinguish among facts, opinions, and assumptions. Make sure all critical areas are identified, addressed, and justified.
I have given you 2 Attachments that show a further detailed format for the paper if you need more assistance. (PDF Case Studies are attached to read)

Case #1 Overview: Founded in 1987, Naxos had become the world’s largest classical music label. It had reached this lofty position by being an innovative cost leader. The company’s chairman, Klaus Heymann, had been quick to take advantage of a drop in the manufacturing price of CDs and the fall of the iron curtain. Recording with artists and orchestras in eastern Europe and paying musicians one-time fees instead of royalties, Naxos had developed a unique and effective business model. The company had also been a first mover in the web-based distribution of music. Having exhibited a knack for making the right move at the right time, what should Naxos do to sustain its success in the decade to come? This case was used in the Second McKinsey/HSBC Business Case Competition. (case attached)

Case #2 Overview: The three founding members of The Mammals–Tao Rodriguez-Seeger, Ruth Ungar, and Mike Merenda–were facing a major decision. In the year just ending, the string band specializing in folk rock music had played over 160 concerts, earning approximately $100,000 in gross revenues but leaving little time to write or prepare new music. Signature Sounds Records had offered the group a recording contract. They needed to decide whether to accept the record deal and leverage Signature Sounds’ financial and marketing resources or to remain independent. Would the record label want them to tone down their sometimes-controversial songs and compromise their artistic values? They also had questions as to the role of their two backup musicians, Mike’s brother and a childhood friend. Should they join The Mammals on a permanent basis? The case presents information on the music industry in general and the folk segment in particular. (case attached)

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