marketing manager
Imagine you are the marketing manager for the above product. You have been presented with
the research, the market entry and the marketing strategies.
Your job now is to develop a marketing/promotional plan for launching the product into this
Do you agree with the strategies?
If you do agree and wish to go straight on to produce the plan that is fine.
Do you disagree? Or will you alter it/them in some way?
If so, you must say why you disagree (on what basis – backed up with your research) and
Which market entry strategy/marketing plan you prefer, how you will alter it, and why (your
Be sure to state your defined market (geo/demo/psycho-graphic, etc).
You will need to include your communication message(s), timings (for example a calendar or
Gantt chart of your plans) and a rough costing or budget for your activities.
Your report should cover an 18-24 month time period.
All work to be referenced according to Harvard Style (guide on Moodle), and written in
grammatically correct English with correct spellings.
Please read the Marking Criteria on following page.
It is this marking criteria that you will be marked against.
Compare your draft report to it item by item, line by line to ensure you have
worked effectively to get the best grade possible.
Does the portfolio/report set up & clearly address the set task?
Does it stay within and fulfil the topic parameters?
For example: Evidence of research on UK market (in appendix)? Four P’s
applied to UK market? Market entry strategy named/applied?
Does the writing bring together the literature in a significant manner that
addresses the set task?
Which of following concepts/tools used and how well:
PESTEL, SWOT, Porters 5 Forces, Ansoff, BCG, portfolio analysis, S.M.A.R.T
(Is the data in the appendix and only relevant extracts included in body of
Does the work demonstrate understanding of the concepts and models taught?
Does it demonstrate a viable application of the models and theories to the set
What evidence of research outside of what was covered in class, is there?
(Reference list, Appendix)
Clarity of structure
Is the document well organized and logically constructed to achieve synthesis?
Is it mindful of the needs of the reader?
(for example: Tahoma or Calibri font,12 pt text and 14pt headings, 0-.6
spacing, block paragraphs, pages numbered 1 of 12, 2 of 12 (or similar), student
name& ID #, course name or #, my name, appears on every page in a header or
Does it use make full and appropriate use of the report format including Header
Sheet, Front Page, Exec Summary, Table of contents, Introduction, Aims and
Objectives (SMART objectives), Detailed-diarized plan/Gantt chart, Budget or
similar financial information, Conclusion, Reference list, Appendix, including
meeting logs/minutes/memos/notes
Mechanical Soundness
Is the document clearly written?
Properly spell checked?
Grammatically sound?
Correctly and appropriately Harvard referenced (both in text and in the
NOTES: Consider the research and recommendation that has been made.
Do you agree with the strategy?
Say so in the introduction and the executive summary:
As a result of research conducted by………group in February of 2014 a market entry strategy of………..was recommended for ………..(product) to the UK market. Further, a marketing strategy of…………was recommended.
This report details a (18 month or 24 month whichever it is) promotional plan for ………(product) in line with those recommendations.
If you do not agree , say so in the introduction and the executive summary:
This report draws on further research and concludes that an entry plan of…………is more appropriate given………….(state your reasons). Furthermore, a marketing plan of………….aligns more close with the additional research and so will form the basis of the plan adopted in this report.
The plan is all about how you will implement the strategy, make the public aware of your product, price it, place it and promote it to drive sales. It will include how you will use the marketing mix and you should pay special attention to segmentation, targeting.
You will need to include a Gantt chart or timeline indicating what tasks/promotions will happen when (dates) and in what order.
The report format should follow these guidelines:
Mechanics & Clarity of Structure
Appendix starts on a new page
Diagrams, data, source material is placed here (make it readable)
the group report you submitted, Pestel, Swot, 5 forces, Ansoff, BCG,
portfolio analysis, VRIO – the data from any tools you used, goes here
(only relevant conclusions you drew form this data goes in the report)
Reference List starts on its own page
References are all according to Harvard Format – (guide on Moodle)
Spell checked
Grammar is correct
When writing your plan -follow this structure eliminating the irrelevant sections
1) The Promotional Plan – (about 1900 words – not including the 500 words in the
Exec Summary)
An introduction(150-200 words) which includes your statement relating to the group report, your overall goal and how you will measure it.
Specific –sell
Measurable- 1mm pairs of widgets in the first 15 months
Achievable –show evidence of a comparison perhaps from trade
press. (How many pairs of widgets are sold in average per year here so I know if your number is achievable and…..
Time bound
a) Marketing Objectives(100-150 words)
i) Who is the target market – specifically
ii) Expected sales
iii) Expected profits
iv) Market penetration and coverage
b) Product adaptation (if any) describe what needs to be done to get your
product ready/saleable for this market. What will you need to change in:
i) the core component
ii) Packaging
iii)Support Services
c) Promotional Mix (about 300 words)
SMART Objectives
Media Mix (fb,twitter,pinterest,blog,webpage,etsy,radio,print,…..)
ii)Sales Promotions
SMART Objectives
Coupons (if any)
Premiums (if any)
iii)Personal Selling (if any)
iv) Other Promotional Methods
v) Gantt Chart or similar
d) Channels of Distribution &Distribution method (300-350 words)
(Does a push or pull strategy work with your method? Which will you use?)
Retailers (if any)
i) Type & Number
ii) Mark up
iii) Cash or credit
iv) Scale of operation for each type (large or small)
Wholesalers or Middlemen (if any)
i)Type& Number
ii) Mark up
iv) Scale of operation for each type (large or small)
Import Export agents (if any)
i) Type
ii) Location
e) Price (200-300 words)
i) Cost of goods
ii) cost of shipping and transport
iii) Handling costs
iv) Insurance
v) CustomsDuties
vi) Import taxes and VAT
vii) Mark-ups &/or discounts
viii)Your gross margin
ix)Retail Price
e) Financials (about 200 words)
a) Marketing Budget
i)Selling expenses
ii)Advertising/Promotional expenses
iii) Distribution Expenses
iv) Product costs
v) Other Costs
b) projected P&L (Income statement for first year)
3)Resource Requirements(about 200 words)
a) Finances
b) Personnel
4) Conclusion (about 500 words)
5) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY – (about 500 words) Write this last but put it at the front of the report as noted below. It should be much the same as the conclusion.
Now put your report together as follows:
Header sheet
Cover sheet containing: Topic title, all student names, tutor’s name and date
Executive summary (These 500 words will not count towards your 2400 total)
The plan (as per the preceding page)
Reference List
1) exporting would be taking a product from the UK and sending it someplace else. IMPORTING would be bringing it into the UK to sell here. BE CAREFUL in your reports to say what you mean – the assignemtn is to bring something TO the UK. (In this report, we choose importing from China and sell in UK)
2) IN your conclusion you should clearly STATE – your product, its USP, and your SMART Objective.
Then say what the Market Entry strategy and the Marketing Strategy is and who your Target Market is and why. Conclude with a strong sentence about why this will succeed.
Finally, copy it, change verb tense if necessary and put it at the front as the Executive Summary. Dont forget to add whether you agree with it and will pursue it or if you disagree and have changed it.