Marketing Flyer Plan
The assignments for SKS7000-8 are based on a continuing business scenario designed to incorporate all Common Professional Component (CPC) topics within a practical business environment. Each of the six assignments builds upon one another, culminating in the development of a leadership and business integration plan for the scenario.
The business scenario (fictitious information for this course) that you will use for this course is as follows:
XYZ Construction Inc. performs horizontal construction work including roads, airfields, and bridges. The company?s headquarters is in Denver, Colorado, and has 16 field offices located in 11 states. The workforce includes heavy and light equipment operators, civil engineers, and project managers along with an administrative staff in the headquarters facility with support staff in each of the 16 field offices. The company has 2,300 year-round employees and will surge to an average of 4,500 employees during peak construction periods. Currently, XYZ Construction Inc. is a privately owned company that began as a family business in the 1950s. The present owners have decided that it is time to transform the business from one of private ownership to public ownership and plans for its Initial Public Offering (IPO) in 12 months.
To help facilitate the transition over the next 12 months, the company owners have hired you, a private consultant, to help them compile and analyze key business information needed for the IPO event. Your job is to help the business owners better understand the marketing, management, business ethics, global dimensions, accounting, financial, economic, legal, information management, research, leadership, and business integration aspects of the company.
Activity Resources:
? Review Chapters 2-5 in the SKS 7000?Executive Concepts in Business Strategy textbook.
? Review as you deem necessary the Supplemental References & Readings listed for this topical area, which are included within the syllabus for this business topic.
? Buttell, A. E. (2009).
? Schulaka, C. (2011).
Library Spotlight on Skills: Selecting a Topic (1)
Selecting a topic can sometimes be the most difficult part of any research process. For information on selecting a workable topic (whether you are writing a topic paper or finalizing your dissertation topic) see the Finding a Research Topic pages in the Library:
Library Spotlight on Skills: Selecting a Topic (2)
Once you have identified some potential research topics, revisit some of the e-book and journal resources that you used to identify those topics. Can you find enough information about your topic(s) in a book or scholarly journal? If you are only finding information about your topic(s) in current event sources (newspapers, magazines, etc.) then the topic might be too new to have a large body of published scholarly information. If so, you may want to reconsider this topic choice.
Library Spotlight on Skills: Selecting a Topic (3)
Are you able to turn your topic idea into a general research question? This can help you determine if your topic is too broad or too narrow. See the Preparing to Search page for more information:
Main Task: Develop a Marketing Flyer Plan Assignment
For this activity; your requirement is to analyze the key business environment considerations for the new marketing initiative. Specifically, the owners of XYZ Construction want you to create plan for the design of a marketing flyer so that they can prepare to expand operations nationally and internationally.
Develop a plan for a marketing flyer for this assignment that outlines the key offerings at XYZ Construction. This flyer will be used to educate potential customers on the services offered by the firm.
Within the flyer plan, you must describe the following key business environment considerations relative to this construction company:
1. XYZ Construction Inc. services that pertain to the residential and private construction areas. Currently, the company relies exclusively upon state and federal government contracts; however, the owners would like to expand in order to diversify their operations.
2. Project management considerations in order to improve cost effectiveness during large and small scale projects for residential and private construction.
Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages
Save the file with the correct course code information in the name. Upload the completed assignment in the Course work area of the Activity.