Management employment law and relations

Management employment law and relations
Project description

There has been significant influence of EU law on discrimination law in the UK. Discuss, with reference to statute and case law the advantages and limitations of The Equality Act 2010 regarding anti-discrimination in organisations. Your answer should critically evaluate statutory provisions to protect individuals within the employment relationship against prohibited conduct including harassment and victimisation. You should focus specifically on ‘three’ of the nine protected characteristics contained within the Equality Act, one of which should be age or disability. <br />
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The assignment should have the following structure and content:<br />
The answer should:-<br />
– Demonstrate of a clear understanding of the influence of European Community Law relating to discrimination and equality, giving some background into legislation that has been repealed or amended by the Equality Act 2010. <br />
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– You should discuss the impact of the Equality A 2010 and critically evaluate whether the law protects or fails to protect employees from prohibited conduct such as harassment or victimisation. The particular emphasis and main focus should be on ‘three of the protected characteristics’ contained within the Act, one of which should be age or disability. Your answer should critically evaluate statutory provisions to protect individuals within the employment relationship against less favourable treatment.<br />
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– Whilst it is not necessary to deal with any particular or specific case/s, answers are expected to critically evaluate statutory provisions and discuss at least a number of relevant cases and statute including Equality Act 2010, s.4 and s.13. You should also explain the application of legal tests ‘but for’ and ‘reason why’ for consideration of less favourable treatment within organisations.<br />
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– A good answer to the question would not simply examine and discuss the relevant legislation and case law on discrimination and equality; it ought to critically evaluate the advantages and limitations of the Equality Act 2010 regarding anti-discrimination, less favourable treatment, harassment or victimisation in organisations, and consider any proposed law reforms in these areas. <br />
– Particular emphasis must be on three of the protected characteristics contained within the EA 2010, one of which should be age or disability. <br />
– It should also acknowledge the significant body of rights and EU legislation which are applicable to workers and employees to protect from prohibited conduct specifically, discrimination provisions and family-friendly rights. It would also relate this discussion closely to the difficulties experienced by atypical workers, employees and also employers, in establishing an implied expectation of mutual respect and equal treatment by individuals within the employment relationship.



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