Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies
Write an essay that is related to a book name “Lord of the Flies”, the books uses multiples items that symbolizes and refer to certain things. What is required from you is to educe two symbols and write an essay about them. The essay should include an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should consists of an introductory statement that refers to the book – no grandiloquence. A 2 sentence summary of the book – general to specific. A thesis statement: main idea of novel (argument) and 2 symbols & their meanings (reasons). As for the first and second body paragraphs both should include a topic sentence which consists of an argument & symbol #1 and its meaning or what does it refer to. Also you should have 2 clearly explained and described examples for each paragraph of an event in the story where the symbol is found and how it is used, and it should consist of the chapter #, and a minimum of 3 out of 5 statements that answer (what, who, when, where, why). Also it should be correct, relevant, informative and in chronological order. Also provide a clear explanation of how the examples supports the argument by referring back to each example and explaining how the meaning of the symbol is demonstrated in each example, and explain how the symbol and its meaning as found in each example contributes to the main idea. As for the last part the conclusion i look forward to find that you restate the thesis statement in different words which consists of main idea and 2 symbols, and discuss the time period during which “Lord of the Flies” was written & its relevance to the central message of the text, and how this work of literature applies to your own life/what you’ve learned.




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