John Nash’s proof for the existence of a Nash Equilibrium.

John Nash’s proof for the existence of a Nash Equilibrium.
Project description
Goal: The goal of this assignment is for you to explore an economic model or proof in depth and then write a multi-page note on it.

Original Statement: For this assignment I want you to pick an economic model or proof not covered in class, or an extension of an economic
model or proof covered in class, and write a note about it.

The note should at a minimum include the following:
? An introduction that in words introduces the model/proof and talks about the importance of the model/proof.

? A model/proof section that presents the model/proof and then solves the model/proof step by step. This will be the most
important part of your note. The step by step solution should be so crystal clear that any of your fellow students should be
able to follow it without question. Also, if you choose to write about a model then this section will also include the main
results that follow from the model.

? A extensions section that talks about possible extensions to the model. In this section you may also include ideas about how
the model can be used in alternative settings.

There is no real length requirement for the paper. If your model/proof solution takes 100 pages that is fine and if it only takes 5 pages

Sources: There are many places you can look for possible model/proof choices for this assignment. I personally recommend looking
at an advanced economics textbook and then using citations on your topic of interest for further exploration. Google scholar is another
great resource. Here are some textbooks to look at:
? Microeconomic Theory, by Andreu Mas-Colell, Michael D. Whinston, and Jerry R. Green. ISBN-10: 0195073401
? Recursive Macroeconomic Theory (3rd
Ed.), by Lars Ljungqvist and Thomas J. Sargent. ISBN-10: 0262018748
? The Theory of Industrial Organization, by Jean Tirole. ISBN-10: 0262200716
? Mathematics for Economics, by Carl P. Simon and Lawrence Blume. ISBN-10: 0393957330




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