IT and Service innovation

IT and Service innovation

Project description
Write an essay on a theme from the course. The theme must be relevant to the course content but does not have to directly correspond to one of the lecture titles. Try to stick to one theme, although a discussion of 2 closely related themes is allowed. You need to link the theme to the application you have developed for the group project. Refer to the application to illustrate different concepts/theories or frameworks relevant to your theme and, when applicable, discuss the design choices of your application in the light of the theme.<br /><br />
Possible themes: technology affordances, performances, contextuality, creativity, collaboration, control, platforms, infrastructures, digital convergence, ecosystem innovation, ecosystem governance, distribution, data privacy, quantified self, digital materiality. You are not limited to those but it is essential that you extend your discussion to theoretically informed statements and opinions and not only to a discussion of the prototype produced in the project. Play to your strength and choose a theme you are particular interested in.<br /><br />
It is not necessary for every group member to cover a different theme; two or more people from the same group might discuss the same theme. However, this is an individual assignment, which is intended to allow you to demonstrate your understanding of the current state of the art. Whilst you may choose to discuss your work with other people to ensure that you have understood it properly you may not collaborate with other people when it comes to preparing the detail of the assignment and drafting your essay. You may not share, with any other student, any graphics, text or data files that form part of your assignment. If necessary, you may use material from your group project but you need to reference it properly. You are advised to pay particular attention to the way you reference other people’s ideas in your essay. In case of any ambiguity, please contact the course teachers for clarification. You should follow the ISIG guidelines for referencing (available from Moodle), which should be read in conjunction with the School’s information on this matter.

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