Is it reasonable to believe in colonic irrigation

Is it reasonable to believe in colonic irrigation

Your tutor has given you a controversial topic—some people believe your topic is true, some people believe your topic is false. You are to write an argumentative essay that briefly describes your topic, compares the evidence put forward by each side of belief, and concludes what is reasonable to believe.

You will be judged on your ability to critically analyse your topic, specifically: you must state the claims made by people who believe in your topic (and list the reasons/evidence they provide for these claims); then compare this evidence with the evidence for the claims made by the people who do not believe in your topic; and finally give reasons why it is either rational or irrational to believe in the topic (or, if your topic is complex, describe exactly which of the claims are reasonable and which are not).

Through researching your topic, you may discover that there is overwhelming evidence against those who believe it, and in this case you would spend a little more of your time explaining why it is that people would begin to believe in something so patently absurd. Alternatively, you may find that there is evidence for both sides and that the truth of the matter is not immediately clear—this would require a deeper analysis of the position before stating your judgement.

You are not marked on your ability to describe the topic, but rather how you provide two sides of a case, then judge which is the strongest and provide reasons for your judgment—remember: this is an argumentative essay. Also, you are not graded on the position you take, but rather on how you support your arguments and deal with the relevant counterarguments.



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