International Relations

International Relations

All course-writing assignments should be double-spaced, 12-point font, with 1-inch margins. Please include a title, page numbers, and a total word count. All papers must be turned in to the instructor at the beginning of class and in hard copy. The essay should be a minimum of 1300 words and a maximum of 1600 words. The word count should not include references and bibliography.

Please answer ONE of the questions below in the form of an essay that draws upon and analyzes relevant course readings and key course themes. The aim of the essay is to demonstrate your knowledge of the relevant texts and your ability to interpret these texts (as well as relevant examples from them) to develop your own answer to the question. The essay should be driven by a clear argument, perspective, or point of view. Please use the reference format of your preference (footnotes, endnotes, or in-paragraph citation format) as well as a bibliography. All essays should be proofread for clarity, grammar, and spelling.

Essay question 1

“This story is drawing to a close and once more the question arises: have I succeeded in setting down even so much as a tiny part of what I wanted to express? As a matter of fact, this quest, this incessant confrontation with the past during these months, has become sufficient reason in itself, and a necessary undertaking (p. 182).” So writes Saul Friedlander toward the end of When Memory Comes. Write an essay that describes and explains how Friedlander confronted his own past and how this confrontation may have helped advance his quest to piece together and hold onto the fragmented parts of his memory, his family, identity and life.

Essay question 2

The intractable Israeli-Palestinian conflict is rooted in deep disagreements over a range of issues related to the question of control and sovereignty over territory claimed by both sides. As we read in The Lemon Tree, the conflict is also deeply rooted in conflicting historical narratives of righteousness, injustice, and victimization. If politicians on both sides (and US and international mediators) have failed to resolve the conflict at the negotiating table, were Bashir and Dalia successful in making more progress? Specifically, to what extent did either of them undergo change that facilitated acknowledgement and understanding of the other’s historical narrative of their peoples’ past? Moreover, how and to what extent were Bashir and Dalia capable of searching for historical truth, even when the search cast doubt on their side’s own historical narrative?

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