How a company can solve their communicaiton problems with his employees

How a company can solve their communicaiton problems with his employees

For the Self-Reflective Report

What skills have you learned during your 6 months? How do these skills impact your future development as a hospitality leader? Are you competent in the workplace? Did you bring anything new into the site? What impact did you have on those around you?
– skills learned: marketing department, how to manage client, be in relation with the companies and agencies. be face to face with a manger and solve their problem. to create a magazine.

What are you learning about yourself? Do you find yourself responding to co-workers or to circumstances in ways that are related to gender, education, language, nationality, culture, etc.? How are you treated in relation to your gender, education, language, nationality, culture, etc.?
my colleagues was happy and like how the way that i work with them. everything was positive.
Can you imagine working as a paid employee at your site for the next 10 years? Why or why not?
-yes, because it is in istanbul and it is a very know an emerging company around turkey.
Have you made judgments in the way you recorded your observations? If not, how can you tell? If so, why do you think you did so? Is there another understanding you could infer from the situation you described if you withheld judgment?
-the employees do not work very good they are always complaining and waiting for solutions without telling their problems.

How do the readings, discussions, and other assignments (reading, research) in other modules apply to your internship? How do your observations connect to discussions or readings you have had in other modules? Please make sure you give full evidence and justification when giving examples.
– the turkish system was completely different with what i learned in modules. the way that they treat their employee is different they are more friendly and open, the it skills that i learned was unknown in the company i explain and tech them some of them such as access.
For the Question-Based Research Paper (section 2 of the journal)
What can you find out about the history, structure, funding sources, and purpose of the organization for which you work? How does your position fit within the structure of the organization? What are the titles and responsibilities of those employees with whom you work?
i was a typical stagiaire

How diverse is the workplace? How are gender, nationality, education, culture, ability, age (any categories of identity that pertain to social status) evident in your internship experience?

it was mixed woman and man, lots of them was graduated from american universities such as ucla boston university brown but also their was lots of person in the marketing department graduated from saint martins in london. they was young and dynamic 30-35 years old. the oldest people 50 years was working in the finance department but they were just 2-3.
Are ethical questions openly discussed at the worksite? Or would questioning practices and policies be risky for an employee?
we were talking about everything politics, spot, magasines…
Do the people working at your company work for the pay-check or because they love what they do?
they work for the pay-check, because they do not like the managerial system of the company they deserve much more money and attention
What would you change about your workplace if you were in charge?
the office was horrible each department was too near and everyone can hear what the others was talking. the first thing should be this on the other hand the salaries. they deserve better

What themes emerge in your descriptive writing? What details seem most significant to you?
the inattention of the managers for their employees.
Have you made judgments in the way you recorded your observations? If not, how can you tell? If so, why do you think you did so? Is there another understanding you could infer from the situation you described if you withheld judgment?

How do the readings, discussions, and other assignments (reading, research) in other modules apply to your internship? How do your observations connect to discussions or readings you have had in other modules? Please make sure you give full evidence and justification when giving examples.—— this part with question is the part of participant observer journal. I answered the questions but what I want is a developed essay using the answers. it should be 7-8 pages.
To validate work and learning from semester 3 Internship, a Question-Based Research Paper is required on the second module ‘Reflection on Practice’ (H 201).
The Question-Based Research Paper should be continuously developed during your Semester 3 and is based on the data collected in your work-based portfolio. The submitted draft is then further developed and finalised during Semester 4 in collaboration with your S3 tutor (on campus). For those of you who have chosen to study with another Laureate school (exchange semester) the process is the same and requires you to use electronic means to communicate with your tutor.
The Question-Based Research Paper is both academically challenging and interesting at the same time. It requires the student to identify an area of interest and use both their Internship experience and appropriate academic literature to produce a 5000 word research paper. Many students think of it as a ‘mini’ research dissertation based on work-based problem solving as many skills and requirements are very similar.
The question you choose to develop in your research paper should be of either managerial or operational nature. In other words, it should be something about your workplace that either worked well or represented a problem, and in both cases you want to know why. In order to help you identify an appropriate question, you should use the Key Management competencies around which your programme has been developed and that recent research has identified key management competencies required by successful hospitality leaders (see list in section 7). Many of these management competencies are directly related to managerial or operational issue and should be a good source of inspiration for you to find the topic of your research paper.
Much of your research may be of a confidential nature. Collected data of a sensitive nature should have the permission of the interviewee or your employer. All parties involved in the data which is not public information should be assured that the information will not be used for any purpose except your reflective report. It may be necessary to provide your employer with a letter of guarantee before collecting the data. See your tutor for assistance.
Part of LRGUAS’s aim is to prepare students for leadership within the Hospitality Industry. These management competencies are listed under five headings – Leadership, Technical, Interpersonal, Conceptual Creative and Administrative and are listed in detail in section 7.


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