Film Screening: One Day After Peace.
Spencer Museum of Art Auditorium
Can the means used to resolve the conflict in South Africa be applied to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict? As someone who experienced both conflicts firsthand, Robi Damelin wonders about this. Born in South Africa during the apartheid era, she later lost her son, who was serving with the Israeli Army reserve in the Occupied Territories. At first she attempted to initiate a dialogue with the Palestinian who killed her child. When her overtures were rejected, she embarked on a journey back to South Africa to learn more about the country’s Truth and Reconciliation Committee’s efforts in overcoming years of enmity. Robi’s thought-provoking journey leads from a place of deep personal pain to a belief that a better future is possible.
The film will be followed by a brief panel discussion. Panelists and moderator include Nimrod Rosler, Schusterman Visiting Assistant Professor in Jewish Studies. Peter Ukpokodu, Professor and Chair, Department of African & African-American Studies, a Journalist/Palestinian Social Justice Advocate, and Jackie Brinton, Assistant Professor, Religious Studies, Coordinator of Middle East Studies. Co-sponsored by the Jewish Studies Program, Middle East Studies, Students For Justice in the Middle East, Spencer Museum of Art, African and African-American Studies, Peace and Conflict Studies in the Humanities and Western Civilization Program, Kansas African Studies Center, Lawrence Jewish Community Congregation, Ermal Garinger Academic Resource Center (EGARC), and the Center for Global & International Studies. Approved for GAP credit.
AFRICAN DOCUMENTARY FILM FESTIVAL (Each day counts as “one” event – you have to watch at least 2 documentaries at any one event for it to count)
Valentine Moghadam: “Feminisms & Democratic Transitions: The Arab Spring in Comparative Perspective, Thursday, April 10, 7:30pm, The Commons (Spooner Hall)
Asef Bayat: “The Arab Spring and Its Surprises,” Thursday, April 24, 7:30pm, The Commons (Spooner Hall)
Daniel Aldrich: “Japan’s Ongoing 3.11 Nuclear Disaster: Recovery and Resilience,” Wednesday, April 2 (TODAY), 7:30pm, Malott Room (Kansas Union)
Maxine Margolis: “What Does it Mean to be Brazilian? Perceptions of Brazilian Ethnicity Abroad,” Monday, April 7, 4pm, 4012 Wescoe Hall