Expanding the role of the nurse practitioner in the primary care setting and Professional Financial Cost Discrepancies
Write a 2 page paper addressing the sections below of the research proposal. Must be in PICOT(Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome, Time-frame) format.
This specific research proposal is focused on, “Expanding the role of the nurse practitioner in the primary care setting. Financial cost discrepancies that Physicians are privileged to charge a greater percentage in client health cost versus the Nurse Practitioner charges less a percentage in client health cost.”
A tug-of-war relating to financing when one physician professional accepts responsibility over a client and another professional a nurse practitioner accepts responsibility over a same type/scenario client case, but the distribution of financial payment is not charged the same for the nurse practitioner, which did the same job as the physician. This is where interested in gaining knowledge at a specific problem or a dilemma is puzzling. Asking the question “why the different financial charges for the same plan of care?
Must Answer these questions in PICOT Format.
1) Research Question (PICOT Format)
2) Hypothesis: Research and Nul
3) Variables with Operational Definitions
4) Sample/Setting: Number and criteria for inclusion and description of place in which data will be collected.
5) Sampling Strategy
6) Extraneous Variables (and plan for how controlled)
1) Research Hypothesis is appropriate for research question.
2) Nul Hypothesis is appropriate for research question.
3) Study Variables are operationally defined.
4) Sample is appropriate and addresses all criteria.
5) Setting is appropriate and addresses all criteria.
6) Sampling Strategy is fully explained.
7) Extraneous variables are defined and plans to control is addressed.
8) Followed APA guidelines for writing style, spelling and grammar, and citation of sources.
Below are some useful references:
Institute of Medicine, "The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health," October 5, 2010.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, "Implementing the IOM Future of Nursing Report–Part III: How Nurses Are Solving Some of Primary Care’s Most Pressing Challenges," August 2012.
Iglehart, J. K. (2013). Expanding the role of advanced nurse practitioners — risks and rewards. The New England Journal of Medicine, 368(20), 1935-41. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/1352743629?accountid=87314
Paniagua, H. (2010). Reviewing the concept of advanced nurse practice. Practice Nursing, 21(7),
Summers, Lisa,DrP.H., C.N.M. (2010). IOM report contains recommendations to facilitate
advanced practice. American Nurse, 42(6), 9. Retrieved from https://search.proquest.com/docview/845594032?accountid=87314