Environmental studies

Environmental studies

How might a researchers position shape the processes and outcomes of their research (Use an example from your own discipline/programme to illustrate your answer)? Is reflexivity a sufficient protection against the risks of positionality?

Project description
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– McDowell, Linda. 1992. Doing gender: feminism, feminists and research methods in
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– Herod, Andy. 1999. Reflections on interviewing foreign elites: praxis, positionality,
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– Rice, Gareth. 2010. Reflections on interviewing elites. Area 42, 70-75.
– Butz, David and Besio, Kathryn. 2004. The value of autoethnography for field
research in transcultural settings. The Professional Geographer 56, 350-360.
– Massey, Doreen with the Collective .1999. Issues and debates. In, Doreen Massey,
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– Mullings, Beverley. 1999. Insider or outsider, both or neither: some dilemmas of
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Newbury Park, CA: Sage




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