Engineering and Construction control
Project description
· Analyse with the use of a system diagram the process.
· Define the inputs and outputs required for a control system.
· Develop a suitable PLC or other electrical control circuit to control the above with where all end conditions are fed back<br />
using limit switches and the inject forward and mould close has a timer control.
· Devise a pneumatic circuit to complete the above operation. for example fluidism · Advise how speed control on all linear actuators would be <br />
A simple small moulding machine has three pneumatic linear actuators<br />
1. Linear actuator opening and closing the mould<br />
2. Linear actuator moving the barrel forward against the mould and<br />
back away from the mould<br />
3. Linear actuator moving forward injecting polymer and returning<br />
(refilling for the next shot).<br />
The process has the following constraints<br />
When the mould is closed the barrel may move forward and back, when<br />
the barrel is forward the injector may be moved forward and back, the<br />
injector must be back before the barrel can move, the barrel must be back<br />
for the mould to open and close. When the mould is opened the part can<br />
be removed.<br />
Both the time the mould is closed and the time injecting linear actuator is<br />
forward should be adjustable.
A simple small moulding machine has three pneumatic linear actuators
1. Linear actuator opening and closing the mould
2. Linear actuator moving the barrel fonNard against the mould and
back away from the mould
3. Linear actuator moving forward injecting polymer and returning
(refilling for the next shot).
The process has the following constraints
When the mould is closed the barrel may move forward and back, when
the barrel is forward the injector may be moved forward and back, the
injector must be back before the barrel can move, the barrel must be back
for the mould to open and close. When the mould is opened the part can
be removed.
Both the time the mould is closed and the time injecting linear actuator is
forward should be adjustable.
Using a top down approach
0 Analyse with the use of a system diagram the process. 20
o Define the inputs and outputs required for a control system. 10
0 Develop a suitable PLC or other electrical control circuit to
control the above with where all end conditions are fed back
using limit switches and the inject forward and mould close
has a timer control. 3c
0 Devise a pneumatic circuit to complete the above operation. 3C
(Fluidsim may be used for this)
Advise how speed control on all linear actuators would be 1C