Disturbed by the wind
Articulate what the play is about, what ideas are expressed. Say how or why you came to this by looking at the dramatic question and analyzing the action in those terms. What the characters are like and how they change as a result of the action should also support these ideas.
? Reviews are focused on the major ideas of the play. You must be able to what the playwright was trying to say. You may quote other sources, you may also quote lines from the play, but I would like you to explain the ideas in your own words
? Support these statements by analyzing the dramatic action. State the dramatic question, and explain how you came to choose it. Use the terms discussed in the study guide: inciting incident, central conflict, et cetera. This is the same process that has been used in class to discuss the videos.
? There is no need to summarize the entire play and retell the story. This is waste of time for both writer and reader. Analyze the action using the tools we learned in class.
? Discuss the characters in the play, especially the protagonist. Note their desires and their motives. Describe any of their own internal conflicts and mention how they changed as a result of the dramatic action. Keep in mind the concept of the mask and how it pertains to the characters.
? Notice the overall production style of the play and explain what role the elements of design played in the telling of the story.
? Feel free to comment on your own personal feelings about the show. Describe its impact on you. Mention what you liked and did not like. Make the personal connection!
? Avoid spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. Use the spell check on your computer. Have the Writing Center check over your work. Papers with excessive errors will be graded down or simply returned without any grade.
? Use a cover page. Hard copies only. Hand in on time. One grade will be deducted for each day late. Double space. 12 point lettering. Staple the pages together.
? The first paragraph should discuss the major ideas. The second should be the dramatic question.
? The third should be the inciting incident.
? The fourth should be the climax.
? The fifth could deal with the style, technical aspects, design elements, or the acting: your choice! What stood out? What ?grabbed? you?
? Most papers are five to eight pages long.